Quote Originally Posted by c0ldb33r View Post
Is it true that each version will have the other Star Wars Character as DLC?

If so, if it's free, that's fine. I think it's dumb, but whatever - no harm no foul.
If so and it's not free, then this is just another example of being nickled and dimed to death for no good reason.

I know SC2 had different bonus characters for each version, but at least those were unrelated to one another, so if you had one but not the others, who cares. If we have to pay to have a Yoda vs. Vader battle, then I will not be buying SC4.

What's wrong with them charging for vader on 360 and yoda on PS3? they are exclusive on the respective systems, if you want the character than I don't see anything wrong with paying for him especially if it's like a 100 or 200 points.

I hope they come out for both systems.