How many games do you own for the Dreamcast?

When did you get your DC?
First one: 9-9-99(got stolen) Second one: February 2001(Smash Pack console)

What made you decide to get a DC?
I've always had my faith in Sega

What was the first DC game you played?
Soul Calibur

What was the first DC game you owned?
Soul Calibur

How many controllers do you have?

What are your favorite DC games?
Border Down
Under Defeat
Zero Gunner 2
Cannon Spike
Tennis 2k2
Soul Calibur
Jet Grind Radio

What's the worst DC
game you've played?
Pia Carrot (dl/burned it, did not understand :shrug: )

What are your favorite multiplayer games?
Tennis 2k2, Chu Chu Rocket, Power Stone 2

What's your favorite DC find?
Found Giga Wing 2 and Mars Matrix complete and mint at Game Crazy back in 2004 for 10 dollars each.

What's your favorite game that you got for free?
Only DC game I got for free was Sonic Adventure Sega All-Stars version

How often do you play your DC?
Regulary (actually played some Under Defeat today!)

Do you have a favorite memory centered around the DC?
It was the console that had newer shooting games coming out here in the USA at a time when shoot em up was not popular anymore…
Dreamcast was also the console where I discover and enjoy 4 player game playing especially with Power Stone/Power Stone 2 and Virtua Tennis/Tennis 2k2