Quote Originally Posted by thom_m View Post
I really don't think it's that much of a big deal. There's nothing wrong about a good prank, as long as it doesn't hurt/offend anyone (really offend, not "OMG-I've-been-lied-to!" kinda stuff) .

I'm amused even when I myself fall for that kinda prank. I think it's healthy to laugh at ourselves, once in a while... it keeps us humble and good-humored. I'm not saying you aren't humble or good-humored, by the way; I'm just trying to make my point clear.

As for the Golden Axe "secret move": it's not even that funny, right? So what if he insists it's real? He's OBVIOUSLY lying. If people get pissed off about it, it'll actually make his day...
I guess everyone's different. I never thought pranks/being fooled were funny, save for April Fools. But I will say that I agree I got too worked over it. There's no point in getting upset or angry over this, no harm was done.