Quote Originally Posted by Clownzilla View Post
Did you even read all of my posts? I said that I can see why they would not honor any of their systems before Gamecube and Gameboy Advance. That would not be reasonable for Nintendo to do that and that would not be practical. Honoring the Gameboy Advance and Gamecube would be very reasonable. Listen, I don't understand why all of the people thrashing me do not understand that this has NOTHING to do with getting free stuff. It has EVERYTHING to do with how Nintendo is becoming a company STRICTLY run by the bottom line while kicking customer satisfaction to the curb. Nintendo absolutely will not and can not survive if they keep on this path. How long will it take the new Nintendo fans to turn away because of these BS policies? When Nintendo alienates these new "non-gamer" fans then who else can they turn to? I know that the fans in the "hardcore" gamer group are already leaving them in droves. Many purists that hate DLC and refuse to pay $5 for a SMB game are leaving. You have people leaving because a they can't play a Japanese game because it's locked out by territory. People are leaving because they can't even get their hand on a Wii because of a 2+ year factory "shortage". These are REAL sticking points for gamers that can't be ignored. Thrash me all you want but this is happening NOW and there is no way to deny it.
let me get this straight. Nintendo brings a program to the US that gives away free stuff for buying their games and they are kicking customer satisfaction to the curb? Do you think your posts through before you press submit?