Quote Originally Posted by Blitz Lunar View Post
SPC rips of them would be fantastic (I would transcribe them to MIDI in a flash), but I think if you were to do SPC rips, it'd be best to do the whole soundtrack, using the SPC set here as a guide to all the tracks that need to be ripped (as far as possible). It'd hardly be a quick job, especially with trying to dump at the beginning of tracks, and also avoiding sound effects. It's just, there may be slight differences in other tunes that you (dare I say it) haven't noticed thus far, and well.... I dunno, huge vgm geeks like myself are kinda anal about things like that . Also, I guess there's an outside chance that there's more unused music hidden away in the game but not used during game play - of course, that'd require some light hacking, and you're (understandably) not so comfortable with releasing a ROM after paying out the ass for the game.
I have found slight differences in some other soundtracks, those being mainly percussion variations, added/removed instruments, change in speed, etc. Many sound effects are also totally different or have slight variations to them, while some are completely missing. I'll see what I can do when I've had it dumped.

Quote Originally Posted by Blitz Lunar View Post
Hm, there may even be hidden tunes in the final game... wonder if anyone ever looked...
Something I’ve been wondering as well. Has anybody looked?

Quote Originally Posted by Blitz Lunar View Post
I wonder, and this is probably totally ridiculous, but have you considered opening a paypal account and taking donations? Basically to cover the costs of paying for this thing, so you wouldn't potentially lose out by releasing a ROM. I dunno what sort of legal ramifications THAT would have, or how many people would be willing to donate for the sake of getting a ROM, but you know, whatever it takes. I'm personally only interested in the soundtrack, but there's surely plenty of others who are interested in the whole beta version. Anyway, just a thought.
I haven't considered doing that unfortunately, and I'm most probably not at liberty to distribute the ROM even if I had wanted to. That seems to apply at least to all first and second-party Nintendo stuff. However, I have talked to a few programming-savvy friends in town who said they might be able to examine the code, and I would in that case share any and all findings. I have also for a long time wanted to learn hex editing and ASM myself to be able to document some other betas, but that's easier said than done..