I discovered a rather interesting oddball of a Wii gun handle at the Circuit City closeout. It's called the "Wii Laser," and true to its name, it has a real laser pointer. Of course, it's NOT AT ALL accurate to the ON-SCREEN crosshair, and as such is a completely useless feature. However, it also has rumble and the nunchuk holder detaches (and pivots too)! I personally don't like the idea of holding the whole thing like a machine-gun, and I didn't want to pay $15 for the Perfect Shot, so I really like the Wii Laser. No matter what game I'm playing, I don't like the idea of my movement controls being laterally aligned with my aim.

However, it's made by Circuit City's former in-store brand, Verge, so good luck finding one. If you do, it's a great alternative, and you can blind your friends with it.