Ok, i need a couple things...for one, i want to trade/buy for this stuff.

The things im looking for exactly are-
North and South NES...now this is tricky im looking for someone to trade me my UK version for a US version, i have instructions with mine, although they have slight water damage. I will throw in extra stuff or cash if yours is complete(which i prefer).

Dragon Warrior 4 Box...i just need the damn box for this game, i already have all the other needed components. (Map/cart/inst)

Gunstar Heroes for Genny..preferably complete.

If you have any of this stuff...dont be in a super rush to trade with me, because im gonna be moving soon, so im avioding trades right now due to shipping confusion (im just trying to see if anyone might have all of this stuff now, so i can get it all worked out before i move so i can transact right away when i get back to St Louis.

If you do actaully have all of this stuff and are willing to trade or sell, please drop me a line if you dont mind waiting a month or so.