Fuck copyrights. that's all I have to say.

Fuck Square, too. They abandon things such as Virtual Console in favor of overpriced "ports" with little new content to justify the costs. Oh sure, FFVII got on PSN... in Japan. Don't think the USA will get that. We'll have to wait for the overpriced, barely-enhanced PSP or PS3 port. This also isn't the only thing they send C&Ds over- they shut down companies maning Cloud Strife swords. WHY?

It's their property, fine. But if they don't want the FANS doing something, then maybe they should do it themselves! Oh, right, they did... they put Chrono Trigger on the DS with a quickie extra dungeon tossed in, a new translation which doesn't enhance anything, and charged a fortune for an old game. And god forbig anyone ever badmouth a Japanese company for being outright lazy.

Id software encourages fan stuff. Running With Scissors and Valve do, too.

Epic Games, however, are also a bunch of motherfucking dicks. They send a C&D letter to a guy who made a CUSTOM TOY of a GeOW character. Seriously, Mike Capps, go fuck yourself.

Square was screaming "piracy hurt sales" 2 days BEFORE Chrono Trigger DS was released in the USA. A company that does that deserves to have their games pirated. Yes, I pirated CTDS, and I did so gladly. I will never buy a copy. Seriously, fuck you Square, I just admitted to STEALING from you. What are you going to do about it?

Nintendo certainly didn't shut down the Mother 3 fan translation. Which they could have, but as they have ZIPPO intention of releasing the game in the US, what would be the point? Well, aside from totally denying the US players the chance to play the game.

I'd like to see a group that gets these C&D letters ignore it. Time to test if big bad gredy Square has the balls to actually take it to court.

You can whine about how businesses only care about profit and not the fans all you want, but if they want the fans to like them, they can show some fuckign respect. If they spit on their own customers then they deserve to go out of business.