Video games back then are better than now, atleast it seems they put much more effort into the games then.

Don't get me wrong. There are games nowdays that games back then don't even compare to but there are alot of good games in past systems. When the PS2 hit, the system didn't have as many good games as the PSX but now that it's at the end of its life, the system has far more games that are good in comparison to the PSX.

There are alot of things the newer systems can do, like racing games are as good as they ever have been, so there's no racer that will be as good as those like Forza, Gran Turismo 5(going off Prologue and the fact that it should be much larger,) Test Drive Unlimited, and for the arcade racer, Burnout. You might bring up when Need for Speed was actually a good series, and while I still do think that, it's obviously it doesn't hold a candle to some newer racing titles.

So it really depends. While alot of older games are much better, there just stuff that can't be done with older technology and it's obvious that a newer game will be better. Unfortunately, even though the newer systems can technically make the better titles, it very rarely happens because it seems developers aren't trying as hard. Developers back then were working aorund the limitations of the system and creating amazing games where as it doesn't seem they are truly pushing anything amazing out these days.