Quote Originally Posted by NayusDante View Post
I dunno about those, not getting a good vibe about it. A large number of people pass through Target, and those games are sure to be good gift ideas for a lot of people. If it were something more niche, I wouldn't bring it up, but you're taking the opportunity away from a lot of families.

I really don't say this sort of thing normally, but I felt compelled to say it here.
I'm in agreement here. Use the coupons to bolster your collection, pick up cheap stuff, whatever. But 30 copies? This reminds me of the "collectors" who used to spend every morning lined up at Walmart in 1995 hoping to get to the toy section first to get the C3PO and Leia "rare" figures to resell them at toy shows. Add to that the "Treasure Hunt" Hot Wheels "collectors" who are just resellers too. I still call it all scalping - buying up the good stuff in hopes that people who want it have to come to you to get it at a decent profit. Oh sure, I'll buy 2 copies, or if I know friends may want the game, I'll but 3-4, but I almost always leave some for others. Just my opinion.