Yeah...I actually give 3DO credit for just putting standard ports on the back of the console. Compared to what an S-Video cable would cost me for my Jaguar....super cheap on 3DO

Like I said...Killing Time is my all-time fav, Space Hulk is also really good. Off the top of my head, the games I consider worth the time are

Killing Time / Space Hulk / Policenauts / Puzzle Bobble (much better on Neo-Geo CD, but its still good) / Blade Force / Gex / Need for Speed / Road Rash / Out of this World / Flashback (better on Jaguar in my opinion)

My 3DO and Jaguar sit side by side, so maybe I am a collector of bad consoles too! haha...I have 13 consoles currently wired to my living room tv