Quote Originally Posted by Jorpho
I think Legacy of the Wizard was just a localization of some Japanese game. (It was part of the Dragon Knight series, I believe, but that was a very long series and I'm not sure which one it is. Four, maybe?) It is rather unusual that they made only that one stab at localizing.
I know this was the case.. but if I left it off the list, many more people would be complaining about its absence. It's strange about the localization, I'm not sure if they did any more titles, but they did become a big publisher of games, especially later on.

The core years to me are the C64, Apple II and Atari days, as well as some titles on the early PC. Dan Gorlin and Jordan Mechner made some amazing games back then. I mean, Ico (a great game in itself), is arguably a combination of Whistler's Brother and Prince of Persia.

And yea, Broderbund didn't develop Myst, but I am not sure if any of the original programmers consulted them on it or not. But, It was developed by Red Orb entertainment. So, it also sticks out of that list. But, again, if I left it off, someone would complain