Yeah, of course. It doesn't define the genre of the music itself, but it's a genre of some sort. It's also important to consider the medium of music because that affects its goal and composition. Music for the mainstream music industry, music for film and TV, and music for games all have to employ a different approach to be successful. And what makes them successful for their medium may make them unsuccessful in other listening environments, like when you have certain game music tracks that are great in-game but unpleasant on their own (although ideally I'd like to see game music that accomplishes both). It always really frustrates me when you see these guys that normally do film composition and they either don't know what the hell they're doing because they don't take into considerations the needs of games and/or they don't give it their full effort because they see game music as "lesser" than that of films (although the latter is a topic for another day).