Quote Originally Posted by Darko View Post
While it's not ideal, you might look for a 20"-24" set for about $20-$30. You can still play the games you want without worrying about weight. I have a 20" Sony that I bought randomly one day and it actually got the job done really well. Buy something nice and big when you get a place of your own and have plenty of room for it. I have a 40-something inch Magnavox that would be awesome to play older games on...but it weighs at LEAST 150-200lbs. It's at my parent's house because there is NO WAY IN HELL that I'm going to move it until I find a place for it to sit for YEARS.
The way you feel about the Magnavox is kind of the situation already with our 150 pound 36 inch HD Wega. My Dad's away on business right now but I know that when he gets back he's going to be pissed because he won't understand why I need another TV, combined with the fact it's another bulky thing taking up room (in his eyes). I plan on taking both when I move out permanently but I'll be hiring movers then.