None, to be honest. I've never really been a sucker for hype or excited over the "newness" of games. I look at a brand new release no different than an old game that's new to me. Like take my SNES purchase for example. It was the first system that truly belonged to me, and rather than get all excited about the "latest and greatest" games I would have access to, the first game I got was Super Mario All-Stars. I was more concerned with reacquiring and playing the old Mario games that I loved.

That's not to say that I didn't play the heck out of some games that I wouldn't have much interest in playing now, but that was due to the small number of games I had as a kid. I was fully aware deep down that I didn't think the games were so hot, but it was better than playing nothing or having to replay my other games even more than I already was doing. A perfect example of that would be Tetris 2 on SNES, bleh.