Quote Originally Posted by treismac View Post
Wow. I struggle to imagine the original Street Fighter being any worse than it already was at the arcade. Sure, you could downgrade the graphics but how could the game play be made more horrendous than it already was? Any success with pulling off a move felt like the result of pure chance. For whatever reason, I actually like the horrible digitized voice overs. If, hypothetically, those were lost, the game would be irredeemable.

I'm going to hunt on YouTube for a video of the PC version. How could that game be even crappier than it already was?
My friends and I were Street Fighter fiends BITD (the 6 button conversion, not the 'two huge pressure buttons' original). We didn't have much trouble with the special moves, but there were a lot of people who weren't good at the game who'd just shake the joystick and hammer away at the buttons and hope that an uppercut would happen.

Heck, I had trouble for YEARS doing non-charging special moves in Street Fighter II because I didn't realize that they weren't done like the original motions in the the first Street Fighter.