Great! If you are allowed to answer, what did the questionairre ask? What about the rep?

I really appriciate you willing to check out Earthbound has the anti-piracy measures and if later revisions of Mario RPG will work. On at least Hyperkin's RetroN3, Earthbound treats the RetroN as a copy device and imposes its anti-piracy routines, and Mario RPG won't work unless you do a hot-swap with careful reset button manipulation.

By any chance can you test out any of these as well?

Galoob's GameGenie
Super GameBoy
[doubtful but just in case] Japanese Nintendo Power Super Famciom Data Cartridges
RetroUSB's Super Powerpak Flashcart

Given the excellent compatibility with Hyperkin's RetorN3, I assume it will play all of those without issue, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

I'm also wondering how the cartridge lock actually works. Is it simply a piece of plastic that presses against the cartridge to give it added stability or something more complex than that? Can you "lock" Super Famicom games into place as well?