1. Hello, my name is Ryan, I am 30 years old.
2. I live in New Jersey, about two hours south of the Digital Press store. I went there for the first time yesterday and was in awe of all the awesomeness the store had to offer.
3. I stumbled on the forums when looking for a good price guide for SNES games.
4. My favorite games are the Metroid series, the Zelda series, Smash Bros. series, but I enjoy almost any game.
5. I collect for any Nintendo system. The games just bring back so many memories, and I get nostalgic anytime I power up any Nintendo system.
6. In "real-life" I have done many things, but I am currently in school to become a history teacher.
7. I enjoy trail running, and being outside in nature as much as I love being behind a controller. I started collecting in the last year but it has been a fast moving snowball rolling downhill, I can't seem to collect enough.