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Thread: Nintendo 3DS, One Year Later

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    Default Nintendo 3DS, One Year Later

    At the end of March 2012 (end of February for Japan), the Nintendo 3DS achieved the one year milestone of its lifetime. In your opinion, where does the 3DS stand in terms of its progress over these past twelve months, its current game library, present features, available apps/channels, games and stuff which are purchasable through the eShop, and any known future game releases? Are we much further away from a new 3DS revision a la the DS Lite?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nz17 View Post
    At the end of March 2012 (end of February for Japan), the Nintendo 3DS achieved the one year milestone of its lifetime. In your opinion, where does the 3DS stand in terms of its progress over these past twelve months, its current game library, present features, available apps/channels, games and stuff which are purchasable through the eShop, and any known future game releases? Are we much further away from a new 3DS revision a la the DS Lite?
    The system was simply released too damn early, most likely due to pressure from stupid investors (note: don't take shit from idiots who want you to put your high profile games on the competing iOS). While it's not perfect, over the past twelve months it's developed into an awesome little system, thanks to regular system updates.

    The library could use a bit more bulking up, perhaps more 3rd party support, but as it stands now I'm happy with it. I doubt we'll see a "3DS Lite" anytime soon; a second analog stick is honestly un-necessary for the types of games that are best suited for the system, and I don't think the system can physically get any smaller than it is.

    Overall, a rough beginning, but FAR from the Virtual Boy like disaster many predicted.

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    While there are a few titles of interest, they're not compelling enough for me to purchase with the system I KNOW Nintendo will update. Sony really got it right the first time in terms of PS Vita's design, but the price stinks. I'll get a 3DS eventually, but after Nintendo brings out the system they should have in the first place.
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    A year after launch and it still doesn't have much of a line up. In comparison to the Vita, the 3DS is getting a ton of games, where the Vita is getting none, but it's all nothing of interest.

    I have to say that Mario Kart 7 is the only original game that's currently out that's worth owning the system for. I own Dead or Alive, Resident Evil Revelations, Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D, Tales of the Abyss, Mario Kart 7, and Super Mario 3D Land, all of which are a pretty lackluster experience on the 3DS.

    For games that are in development, Heroes of Ruin, Shin Megami Tensei Soul Hackers port, and Dragon Quest Monsters Terry's Wonderland are the only three that interest me right now.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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    I have to say I am genuinely surprised by how well the 3DS has done. I was one of the perhaps foolish first day purchasers and found little I liked in the launch line-up. While the flow of games isn't tremendous right now, I am very excited about some of the titles that are coming out in the next few months and I have really enjoyed Kid Icarus and Spirit Camera recently. I have to say that I am more convinced than ever that this will be the last generation of dedicated handhelds. Most third parties have already abandoned or never really started any original development on both the 3DS and Vita here in the United States and I imagine that it's only a matter of time before the remaining holdouts give up on both platforms as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojay1997 View Post
    I am more convinced than ever that this will be the last generation of dedicated handhelds. Most third parties have already abandoned or never really started any original development on both the 3DS and Vita here in the United States and I imagine that it's only a matter of time before the remaining holdouts give up on both platforms as well.
    So far, the 3DS is more popular than the DS during its first year. Why would developers abandon or ignore such a popular, best-selling platform?

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    I was an early adopter, I liked it fine then and I'm still enjoying it.

    Though, The 3DS Shop is still a HOT MESS that makes recent 360 Dashboard revisions look like the most well organized thing ever. Nintendo needs to completely revamp the store. Even if they just copy the design of the Wii shop.

    I'm still friggin' pissed off that I forgot to bring mine to PAX East. People were walking around and winding up with like 500 street passes in one day ... completing puzzle collections and Find Mii Quest 1+2 in one sitting.
    Last edited by Frankie_Says_Relax; 04-27-2012 at 01:48 PM.
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    Heck there's a lot of good systems that don't have much for them the first couple of years. Even the Playstation 2 didn't start having a ton of interesting games to look for until 2002. Before 2002 there were just a few here and there scattered througout the previous 2 years. That's probably why the Dreamcast was still alive thru 2001.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob2600 View Post
    So far, the 3DS is more popular than the DS during its first year. Why would developers abandon or ignore such a popular, best-selling platform?
    It may be true that 3DS outsold DS in its first year, but I don't like Nintendo's implication. 3DS likely won't be able to touch the DS family's numbers, but what Nintendo is kind of saying is "Look, 3DS is DOING EVEN BETTER than DS!" I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain DS didn't really become a sensation until its second or third year on the market. I'd be very surprised if it's significantly outselling the DS by then in terms of year 3 vs. year 3 numbers.
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    I'm waiting for a 3DS XL, I'm use to the DSi XL so the 3DS's screen is too small for me. Hopefully Nintendo will release one.

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    I've really enjoyed my 3DS overall for the most part. Battery life was a big concern but even before I bought that Nyko battery it was never too bad to be honest.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob2600 View Post
    So far, the 3DS is more popular than the DS during its first year. Why would developers abandon or ignore such a popular, best-selling platform?
    Not enough potential software sales for them, just like the Wii and Gamecube. Right or wrong, people buy Nintendo systems for first party games. Other than Capcom and Square and probably one more release from Sega in Rhythm King, I'm not aware of any other major companies that really have much of anything in development for US release right now. The two biggest US publishers, EA and Activision have basically ignored the platform completely other than releasing some low quality ports early on.

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    I feel safe now as an ambassador. I was happy with pilot wings and not so happy with that zelda game in 3d cant remember the name it bored me traded it for sm3dl much better. Kid Icarus is the best handheld game i have ever played my hands are made for it no cramps love the voice banter through out. Lots of depth it has folders now and mario kart 7 has a patch for their awesome old school tracks no glitches couldnt be happier and nintendo is finaly embracing online look out!

    Tried to get pumped up for the vita almost bought one but looked at their software lineup and memory card prices glad i waited now every week a new doom topic pops up and really didnt get that much use out of my psp 1000 gonna ebay it soon. that vita screen looks nice maybe if they get 3rd party peeps on board and a price drop will i get one.

    Longe live the 3ds lets hope fore virtual boy galactic pinball the best of the vb games!

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    I bought my 3DS last Christmas when it was bundled with Mario 3D Land and my game library started very slowly (at first it served as a second DS unit), but it's starting to gain in size now, even more so by the end of the year, with the upcoming releases of Kingdom Hearts 3D, New Super Mario 2, Code of Princess, Epic Mickey 3DS, and even Lego Lord of the rings (yeah, I'm a sucker, will probably pick it up for both the 3DS AND the 360). There's also Heroes of Ruin that I wasn't sure of initially, but it seems like a decent hack n slash.

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    I too bought mine at midnight on launch day and picked up 3 games with it that night. I have maybe 20 games for it now - many were busts that totally let me down (like Dream Trigger) and then there were some gems like Nano Assault that I played for hours and still love. Very happy with the purchase, but I have to say that my Vita is getting a lot more play time right now.

    I wish that all of the ambassador games had been in 3D like Excitebike, but all in all I find myself playing those "free" games more often that the ones that I paid for!

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    Despite posting several predictions of the 3DS being Nintendo's last handheld and smartphones reigning supreme, a year+ later...I'm enjoying the hell out of this thing.

    I decided to get on board after the price drop. I never had a DSi either, so the 3DS was like an instant 6 year leap in handheld console tech for me. BTW: the 3D is pretty cool too. I have it turned on 100% of the time now.

    I can't believe it either.
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    Picked up my 3DS last August (Ambassador Program/price drop loophole FTW) and I've enjoyed it pretty well. Favorite title: Super Mario 3D Land. Devil Survivor isn't bad, but it's REALLY easy to get screwed over in that game, at least on day 7.

    Preordered Kingdom Hearts 3D, Code of Princess, New Super Mario Bros. 2, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Did not preorder Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask due to its release coinciding with my being on vacation in November, but I plan to pick it up as close to day 1 as possible.

    Most wanted title: Ace Attorney Investigations 2. Any way I can (legally) get it in English. I'd even buy the cases separately, a la iNick (Phoenix Wright on the iPhone).
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    I don't own a 3DS (like lots of people here, I'm waiting for Nintendo to release a newer version of the console), but it seems to me as an outsider that the portable gaming market (including the Vita, which I do own) is just too quiet. I don't know if that's me (as I don't pay attention to gaming media the same way I did back when NDS was first released) or if that's the way things have gone, but outside of a few commercials when Mario Kart 7 was launched I just haven't heard much about the platform.

    (Same for Vita - outside of the launch window commercials, I haven't seen much about the system, and I own one)

    In terms of penetration (huh-uh), I've got two boys in primary school, and a couple of their friends have 3DS's but most of them (including my boys) still play the NDS.

    (Gotta love the tenacity of an 8 year old, who grinds to level up Pokemon just because he can )
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