Quote Originally Posted by Rickstilwell1 View Post
Well one thing we probably don't have to worry about is them buying up boxed games from ebay sellers and screwing them up. They aren't going to pay more money for an item just to take it apart and sell it for less. I'm guessing their source is old backstock from back when they used to carry them and maybe thrift store finds (which probably means lots of junky sports games)
I kinda doubt they have much backstock from those days as most of their stores cleared classic stuff out a number of years ago and Gamestop.com followed suit more recently. Similarly, I doubt they have buyers scooping up thrift store or garage sale finds. Most likely they will simply buy bulk used stock from a distributor or start a buy back program that lasts for a few months to build stock and then distribute it nationally to individual stores which is how they have always done things previously.