Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
Most of these "console ports" you speak of aren't really "ports." They're multiconsole. When the game comes out at the same time, it's multiconsole. When it comes out afterwards. It's a port. The Vita has some ports for sure, but most of what everyone is calling ports aren't ports at all.

Also where is all this shovelware you speak of? There's no shovelware when it comes to retail releases and I don't know anyone who would expect most digital games to be worth a damn.
I think you don't understand the concept of a port. A port has less to do with timing of the release and more to do with the source material. There are many games that are available on multiple platforms that may share the same name and basic source material, but are in fact different games completely. There are also games that are ported from one platform to another but are released in close time proximity. A port is just an adaptation of a piece of software for a particular platform rather than starting completely from scratch. In this era, developers typically choose one platform as the lead and then use various middleware tools to port that code to the other platforms. ACIII on the Vita is not a port, it's a completely different game. Rayman Origins on the Vita is clearly a port. As such, there are quite a few "ports" on the Vita, although many of them have enhancements from the console or handheld software from which they have been adapted.