Ok.here’s my pick ups..

I won’t go into prices,all I can say is I paid less then I hope to sell the items for on ebay...I have so much to get to with not much time...I buy and sell to make money,It’s my job not a hobby..I am a stay at home dad with three kids,if I can’t make money off of something I don’t buy it nor can I afford to give things away or for what I paid for them...

My best find however was NES SNOW BROTHERS $3.00
This was purchased with other NES games but I sold them to a friend who came over before I could snap a picture.

It’s been crazy with family members losing houses in the storm,other family members taken to shelters,no power,no internet,fluctuating power,no gas...a mess of a town here..I spent a lot of time prepping for the storm after so much flood loss from last years storm..
I have NOTHING to complain about compared to what other people are going though..
Right now I need to catch up to daily life,fast..