Quote Originally Posted by BydoEmpire View Post
Only 10?

I love arcade games too, but don't forget that in the 80s we had some amazing CRPGs. We had flight sims and deep turn-based strategy games the likes of which we haven't seen since. There was a lot of depth in 80s comptuer games. We had *actually* mature titles that required serious thought, instead of what passes for "mature" today: blood and boobies.
I agree with Baloo. The 80s arcades were the greatest. It was like every other week there was a new title to try out. In the 90's it became a flood of fighting games and it would be months before you saw anything new.

I loved playing the 8-bit computer games in the 80s. The variety of games available is pretty much un-matched, even by what is being released on PC today.