Quote Originally Posted by WCP View Post
It's probably both. Nintendo knew they left $$$ on the table during the original Wii launch. They could have sold double the number of Wii's that they had, but they had legitimate supply issues. This time, they are determined not to under supply, but at the same time, the demand is nowhere near the original Wii demand. In fact, if you think about recent hardware launches during the Thanksgiving time frame, the Kinect was probably in greater demand that original year that it came out.

I've been at a number of Targets, and seen the Wii U demo station just totally ignored, with all the other demo stations being used by people. It's weird.

The only reason Nintendo was even able to sell that first 500,000, is because they had about 375,000 of their diehard supporters jump on the bandwagon on day one. The other 125,000 went to the Ebay/Craigslist speculators. I'm guessing that 50K of that 125K that went to the Craigslist / Ebay crowd will be returned at some point. I think their NPD numbers in December will still look halfway decent ( it is Xmas afterall, and parents still want to excite their kids with a hot new gift ) When we get to January and February, I think they will be WAY off. Nintendo will probably have a press conference, and they will say they are revising their estimates.

They need some killer software and quick.
I considered buying one on launch day to resell it on Ebay. I'm sure glad I didn't.