Quote Originally Posted by Tupin View Post
Using the word "sheeple" is a great way to immediately discredit any argument.

If people want everyone to own a gun, what's so bad about this? You realize that anyone can find where you live if they know your name, right? It's not like the people on these lists would have anything to fear. What are the people against handguns going to do, throw eggs at your house?
You must be very young or at least very ignorant.

Would you post me your name and address right now please? I won't do anything to you I promise. Especially if I am a convicted felon and want to slip into your house and commit a murder with a gun registered in your name. But hey just for the hell of it, you have nothing to hid right? Post your name and address for all to see and tell them how you have a $500 hand gun.

Like I said, sheeple.