If you torrent the series, the live action scenes in between episodes are intact! It's one reason why sometimes bootlegs can be better than re-releases. Buy the new DVDs to support the makers and thank them for the show's existence, but always look for alternate versions for the extra fun that was cut out, or to see if there are any rare versions of the shows. Then there's shows like Muppet Babies where the only way to watch it is torrent because they won't get rights to release it on DVD. After all, it's pretty much people just collectively sharing their VHS rips from when they used to tape these shows from TV. Sometimes it's a miracle how good the tapes still work as those things deteriorate with age.

I think Dragon Ball Z has more DVD versions of itself than any other cartoon or anime I've seen. Ocean dub DVDs with a few episodes per disc, Funimation dub DVDs with a few episodes per disc, Funimation uncut DVDs, Funimation remastered season sets, Dragon Box Z with alternate soundtrack, and now Dragon Ball Z Kai (4 kids dub). I ended up with a bootleg set from ebay containing all Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT episodes for $300, before the remastered season sets existed. For DBZ it gave me Ocean dub for Season 1 & 2 then the Funimation dub from the point where that dub originally started to the end of that series. Pretty much the way it was originally shown on Cartoon Network.

Then there's Dragon Ball which isn't quite as confusing to collect DVDs for, but still has variations: Original heavily censored english dub of first 13 episodes on 2 DVDs, separate funimation sagas excluding the first 13 episodes (censored version shown on cartoon network), and Funimation remastered season sets. My bootleg set had something unusual - Funimation dub for the whole series including the first 13 episodes, none censored at all. I'm not sure where or when that version was obtained from but it comes complete with Bulma's nudity scenes and Goku's unique way of finding out whether a person is a male or female.

The Mario cartoon DVDs aren't free from this confusion either. There are the "complete series" sets but there are also the random episodes sets where they have random picks containing episodes from all three Mario cartoon series, usually following a theme. From the looks of the data files on the discs, most of these DVD sets of shows based on game characters emerged in or around 2007.