Quote Originally Posted by needler420 View Post
VGA collectors think they are sane when everyone else thinks they're insane. If you don't care what others think about you I suppose in theory you'd be right. You'd be surprised at how many people care and get butthurt about it though because they do care what others think.
I don't think "everyone" thinks anything about anyone. There are a small handful of people on Internet forums like this one that have personal insecurities about their own situation in life that spend a substantial amount of time thinking about and obsessing about what other gamers and/or collectors do. I mean I can understand if someone has an opinion about things they have control over or which have a direct impact on their life. Heck, I can even understand people being involved in debate and taking action on larger social problems that have an impact on society as a whole and may have an impact on individuals as tax payers or citizens. This isn't one of those things. This is just someone being so insecure about their own choices and preferences in life that they have to repeatedly keep raising this same lame argument about how people who don't do something their way are stupid or not "true" gamers or collectors or whatever. It's really pretty sad.