Oh, I forgot about TMNT. I'm guessing the naysayers were just mad that it wasn't the arcade game, but the arcade game was ported next so who cares. The first NES TMNT is still a really solid game, and the difficulty is vastly overstated. I mean, yes, it gets very challenging late in the game, but most who complain about the difficulty never even get that far. They usually just bitch endlessly about defusing the bombs, but it's really not that hard. Just man up and practice a little. It's the same kind of deal with Battletoads, which does get ridiculously hard several stages in, but everybody stops at level 3, the Turbo Tunnel, complaining that it's impossible. C'mon, I cleared the Turbo Tunnel with just a small amount of practice, and at that time, I was just playing casually after first buying it, not even aiming to beat the game or anything. Although Battletoads seems to get less criticism as a game than TMNT, even if the complaining over the difficulty level is very similar.

Quote Originally Posted by davidbrit2 View Post
And I'm one of probably very few Americans that enjoys The Tower of Druaga.
Me too. I have a soft spot for the entire Druaga series. I also find the series really interesting in that there's such a stark difference between how Japan receives it and how the West receives it. Tower of Druaga is a highly respected, extremely influential game, yet to Western gamers, it's either completely unknown in the first place, or reviled. Same deal with Hydlide. Not every port of Hydlide is good and Virtual Hydlide is pretty laughable (but in a gloriously awesome way, haha), but Western gamers don't understand how important the series is and how well-loved it is in Japan. I mean, there would never be Ys without Hydlide. While it's not pretty to look at, more gamers should give Super Hydlide (AKA Hydlide 3) a shot.