Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
If he was willing to do this I wouldn't have a problem with it. He said numerous times that he wants to have a new label made that's 100% identical to the original, and this is for Ninja Gaiden Trilogy which is one of the most valuable games on the system. Maybe you should read his posts more closely before just agreeing with them.

I'll just post a couple of his posts below.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting his posts. If so I would appologize, but I'm pretty sure I'm right about how I'm interpreting them.

To me it comes across just like I said, he's complaining about anyone who disagrees with him about making 100% perfect label replacements. Anyone who disagrees is attacking his right to personal freedom with his property, that either you agree with his view or you're an asinine socialist who thinks video games are community property. It would be the buyers fault for not noticing that a 100% identical looking label is actually a reproduction label.

I just don't like seeing people get ripped off with fake labels, I want my games to be completely authentic. I have a MUSHA with a ripped label but I'm not going to change the label, I'd rather keep it authentic. With people accepting 100% real looking labels being made you know people will start selling games with them as though they were real labels, or just using the labels on pure repro carts as most buyers don't open their games to check the boards. If all that matters is the board being real, why do copies with ripped labels sell for less money? Cosmetic condition of the games matter, and selling replacement labels as real ones isn't something I would approve of.

This thread asked how people felt on the subject so I spoke honestly, it wasn't just a thread asking for help on getting them made, it asked about opinions. Of course anyone who explained their views including the valid concerns about fraud gets called a socialist or a part of the video game police. I previously posted "fascist" instead of "socialist" but with the way he talks about it I'm pretty sure he meant fascist instead, yet he complained that I somehow pulled it out of nowhere. It really seems to me that he created this thread to complain about people disagreeing with him, rather than honestly wanting to know other peoples' opinions on the subject.

I'm not even on Nintendo Age, usually I disagree with them on most things relating to the hobby. Grading games or valuing screw varients differently isn't something I agree with, with 100% identical looking labels it's almost the one thing I do agree with them. I'm not just agreeing with them because I'm supposedly registered there.
Dude, may be you need to read posts better, I never agreed on anything, I just gave up my advice. Advice is not equal to agreeing.