Quote Originally Posted by SparTonberry View Post
Not likely, as it is said Nintendo specifically recalled and destroyed all unsold Stadium Events, as well as the box and manual to Athletic World (they opened and repackaged the AW carts, though).
This is truly documented though? Like if I called up Nintendo US HQ right now and asked they would give me the tale that they recalled them and destroyed them or repackaged them? This is starting to sound like a Atari 2600 Pac-Man Tale.

Now if they recalled them... Whats the likely hood of perhaps a game retailer back then deciding to pull the rest of his or her inventory of that game off the shelves and storing them away thinking it could become valuable in the future.... Now fast forward. Lets assume that this said store owner went out of business over the years due to recession and changing times in the video game market. And perhaps sadly passed away without telling anyone where they hid all those copies of SE.

Very unlikely but stranger things have happened... Take for example the tale about the found container filled with brand new Virtual Boys found in the middle east