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Thread: Classic gaming over modern gaming? What's you're stance? Video included.....

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShinobiMan View Post
    Yeah I know what you're saying. But let's look at the new Tomb Raider for
    Example. The old tomb raider games had violence, but because of the limitations of the hardware, it looked fake.

    The new Tomb Raider is so realistic looking and the hardware so capable that the designers went out of their way to create unique and extremely graphic death sequences for Lara Croft. Do I enjoy watching women get impaled through the neck by a tree branch? Not particularly. I think it's sick actually. So for a consumer like myself, a particularly exciting gaming experience is ruined by over the top violence.

    I know this isn't a problem for everyone, but for me and surely some others, this is a major issue as to why modern gaming isn't as appealing.
    Maybe in 5 years youll look at the graphics of this game and theyll look dated so then you wont mind so much.

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    Comparing 8 bit gaming to even a playstation 2 is apples and oranges.

    Early games like Arcade games and Atari 2600 were mostly points based, repetition at a higher degree of difficulty.

    8 bit games were my first experience with games you could actually finish. There was an actual end. The score was not as important.
    The games became more varied and difficult. Some so stubbornly hard and without save states it took real dedication that an average teenager now would not possibly exhibit the same patience.
    Then again people who were raised on the NES, Atati, and Master System didn't know any better.

    16 bit games were basically the same as 8 bit, just with more detail although early Sega Mega Drive games look horrible to later Megadrive games
    Case in point would be Altered Beast compared to say Vectorman or Pusleman.

    32 Bit games are when games got interesting. I like that very early Virtua this and that Polygon look. A lot of games for the N64 and Playstation ( mostly playstation ), look muddy with all sorts of warping and jaggies.

    New consoles obviously have more depth and visual appeal, but for some reason, even on a hard difficulty setting, modern games seem more forgivable.
    Gone of the days of 3 lives, no continues, you die you go back...all the way back. No checkpoints or passwords.

    Anything before 16 bit just doesn't interest me.
    I actually only really got into gaming in 93/ 94 because games like Mortal Kombat and World Series baseball looked real and not so cartoonish.

    I'm messing around with sg 1000 and Master system games right now on emulators, they are good fun and challenging, but 8 bit games really don't allow you to mess around.
    I could see where that aspect of them would be appealing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JakeM View Post
    Maybe in 5 years youll look at the graphics of this game and theyll look dated so then you wont mind so much.
    What happens in five years is inconsequential to how the tone of those games may influence a person's emotions today.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRetroVideoGameAddict View Post
    I actively play sports games like NBA 2k13, WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2012, and UFC, but mainly I've played the 3 Modern Warfare games, the 2 Lego Batman games, the first Batman Arkham game, Left 4 Dead 2, and Gears of War. The 3 Modern Warfare games and the first Lego Batman game were me favorites and I've beaten the 4 of them at least 4x each as well as played countless hours of online play with MW2 and MW3. But all of the other games I've tried whether it be at friends houses or through playing demo's I've just not been able to get into at all, while with retro games I've been able to jump right in and have a blast. I just don't like how games today are so long and drawn out and how companies seem to want to move toward online play, it just irks me.
    It sounds like you haven't played any recent games that even have the potential to sway you. Not to be rude but the handful of games you've played are in my opinion the dregs of current gen, certainly not the best recent years have to offer.

    Here's some recent games that I feel portray modern gaming in a positive light,

    Demon's Souls
    Dark Souls
    Xenoblade Chronicles
    Super Mario Galaxy
    Valkyria Chronicles
    Donkey Kong Country Returns
    Sin & Punishment: Star Successor

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    Quote Originally Posted by JakeM View Post
    Maybe in 5 years youll look at the graphics of this game and theyll look dated so then you wont mind so much.
    That's an erroneous argument. Bad taste is bad taste. Custers Revenge on the 2600 is extremely dated and pixelated and it's still as abhorrent a game idea today as it was then. Graphics have nothing to do with it.

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    Hasn't this question been asked a million times all ready !? Every generation of video games,has it's share of good and bad and i don't see one be better then other.I often play what ever i'm in mood for retro or modern.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Atarileaf View Post
    Fighting (Mortal Kombat style)

    Of the big modern genres the only ones I gravitate toward are puzzle, racing, sports, simulation, arcade, and traditional Lucasarts style adventure games which seem to have gone the way of the dodo. Of these, racing and sports are the only ones that really benefit from a big modern console and even some of these can be done well on iOS devices whereas puzzle, arcade and adventure games are fine on tablets and phones. I've even said that if I ever get a PS3, for example, it would just be for a few of the racing games that appeal to me.
    Fighters haven't been popular since the 90's.True when capcom had success with SFIV the genre made a come back,but it's not as big as it use to be.Now where do you think every one plays like MK !? Capcom,SNK and Arc system have there own style.Now of them of copy what netherealm studio's did with there recent mk.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Miss Gloom View Post
    And when men are starting to come out and say the violence is just way too much...I think it's time to step back and have a serious, mature, adult, conversation about how necessary it is to have gore, versus solid game mechanics -- especially since many of us who grew up with Atari 2600s and Nintendo NESs are now married with children of our own.
    I agree. Unfortunately, there are many (not everyone) who would rather turn a blind eye on the issue because while they know the difference between right and wrong, they actually find themselves ENJOYING the wrong. Ignorance is bliss.

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    I don't play modern games so I don't care about them. Still have alot of games from the past I still haven't tried yet. But all of this "boohoo, games are so violent these days" is a bit ridiculous. Comparing a Lara Croft death scene to women's rights and empowerment is pathetic and comes across as reaching. It's a videogame...people don't make videogames to change the world or teach women anything, they're for entertainment.

    Different things entertain different people. Not all of us are into catching Pokemon or rescuing the Princess for the millionth time or flinging birds across a screen(are we going to start complaining about animal cruelty?)

    Some of us enjoy horror films, oftentimes, the gorier the better. Does that make the people who watch them disgusting? And if a woman gets killed on film, does that set women's rights back hundreds of years? No.

    Just look at how many people try to get a glimpse of a car accident when they pass...

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    Quote Originally Posted by FieryReign View Post
    people don't make videogames to change the world ... they're for entertainment.
    You really should read the news, lately.

    In any case, yes, I see where you're coming from. And I'm glad you bring up horror movies. It's like I said about the Mortal Kombat games. I expect to see gore in a horror movie because horror movies are generally known for shock value (among other things).

    However, where the problem lies is that the gratuitous violence in video games is seen spread across all genres, where gratuitous violence in movies is restricted to a select type of movie. You're never going to see people explode into bags of guts and intestines in a movie like 500 Days of Summer.

    Maybe I am reaching. That's totally fair to say. But it's totally fair on my part if I don't want to play a game due to it reaching to attain a base animistic satisfaction when it doesn't really need to.
    Last edited by Little Miss Gloom; 07-12-2013 at 11:45 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FieryReign View Post

    Just look at how many people try to get a glimpse of a car accident when they pass...
    I certainly hope it's not for the same reasons they enjoy watching Lara Croft get butchered. Seriously, I'd hope most individuals are CONCERNED about their fellow man. My wife and I recently witnessed a couple get hit walking across a city street by a drunk driver who then proceded to run off, leaving the pregnant woman bleeding profusely from the back of her head, immobilized.

    That is REAL life and it is HORRIFIC. There were many other witnesses and the scene was anything but gratuitous. No one was hoping to sneak a peak at human suffering, rather, everyone wanted to help, and most of us stood by the couple until an ambulance came. I placed the 911 call.

    I didn't feel this way all of my life. I've gotten older though. I'm married now, and we plan on having kids one day. Through it all, I've learned that life is truly a gift.

    When modern video games insist on glorifying human mutilation and mass murder in such a violent and realistic way, I just cannot condone it, nor can I understand why anyone would. We as a society have become overly desensitized to it all, and that's what bothers me the most. We just accept it. We call it SHOCK value and we grin our little grins and react as if we've just seen something shocking, and we have. Most of us smile and think to ourselves, "Wow, did they really just do that?" Well, they did. And the longer we just turn the other cheek and accept what we know at our core is WRONG, the worse off it's going to get.

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    If I may, I feel like violence in video games today is a lot like a person's desensitation to porn.

    You first discover it, it's this magical, shocking thing - forbidden fruit. Angelina Jolie's tits = finishing moves in Mortal Kombat, back in 1991.

    But as we progress and become exposed to more and more of this shocking thing, our tastes change. Angelina Jolie's tits just don't do it for us anymore, so we seek out greater thrills. And before we know it, we are on a path of total desensitization, getting our base jollies off on things that any normal human being would be totally reviled by.

    And as games get more and more realistic, the shock factor isn't so cartoony anymore, like it was playing Resident Evil on PS1 or DOOM on your PC. Tearing people apart in The Darkness 2 as they scream in agony, helpless to defend themselves. That's fucked up. Really, really fucked up.

    But, like porn, it's cathartic, it releases our stresses of the day. But really, how healthy is that for our brains? Especially when more and more games these days rely on such over the top violence?

    I do not, by any means, think violent video games incite violent people, but consider this: People bitch and whine about politicians like Jack Thompson, but really if you think about it, is it any wonder there's such a strong petition by government officials when they are shown examples of what a modern video game is?
    Last edited by Little Miss Gloom; 07-12-2013 at 12:01 PM.

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    Have any of you seen the news? One of the most popular stories was the Boston Bombings, continuously showing a dude with both legs blown off, trying to be saved by some mexican dude(in a cowboy hat) wrapping something around the mess to keep from bleeding. Not to mention some of the rest of the gore from the people who lost limbs. I won't get into how some people think it was all staged or all that.

    You can easily place the blame on the news stories as well. And basic human nature when people stop and look. Its not just because people want to help thy fellow man, the paramedics and professionals are there to handle that. Folks just want to be nosy and hope to see something...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Miss Gloom View Post
    If I may, I feel like violence in video games today is a lot like a person's desensitation to porn.

    You first discover it, it's this magical, shocking thing - forbidden fruit. Angelina Jolie's tits = finishing moves in Mortal Kombat, back in 1991.

    But as we progress and become exposed to more and more of this shocking thing, our tastes change. Angelina Jolie's tits just don't do it for us anymore, so we seek out greater thrills. And before we know it, we are on a path of total desensitization, getting our base jollies off on things that any normal human being would be totally reviled by.

    And as games get more and more realistic, the shock factor isn't so cartoony anymore, like it was playing Resident Evil on PS1 or DOOM on your PC. Tearing people apart in The Darkness 2 as they scream in agony, helpless to defend themselves. That's fucked up. Really, really fucked up.

    But, like porn, it's cathartic, it releases our stresses of the day. But really, how healthy is that for our brains? Especially when more and more games these days rely on such over the top violence?

    I do not, by any means, think violent video games incite violent people, but consider this: People bitch and whine about politicians like Jack Thompson, but really if you think about it, is it any wonder there's such a strong petition by government officials when they are shown examples of what a modern video game is?
    Quite frankly I dont see much difference between cartoonish violence vs. realistic violence. Modern games may be more 'realistic' and bloody but in the end they are just images on a tv screen. I was playing Farcry 3 on ps3 yesterday and you can run-over tons of bad (and good guys) in the vehicles. How is this different from running over the bad guys in Jackal on Nes? How many times have you seen Elmer Fudd literally shove a shotgun into Bugs Bunny's mouth? I think simple images of violence can be as impressionable as realistic ones, especially to young minds.

    There will always be violence in video games as well as movies and literature, and there are always non-violent alternatives. Got a kid? Get a Wii instead of the PS3 or XBOX. People just have to understand that in a civilized society violence just is not acceptable, and moreover its the parents' responsibilty to teach this to their kids.

  15. #35
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    I like good games.
    I don't like downloadable content, system updates, or other uses of internet connections.
    I don't like games which require an extensive tutorial to learn the controls.
    I don't like glorified excessive violence.
    I'm aware there are many first class recent games which don't fall under any of the above - I'm not missing them, I've got plenty else to play.

    There are more good games than I can ever play from the 2600 era up to PS2, "Modern" gaming has lost me.

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    I've really said and argued all I feel I should on the topic of modern day video game violence and the longterm desensitization we as a society have embraced.

    If I may, I feel like violence in video games today is a lot like a person's desensitation to porn.

    You first discover it, it's this magical, shocking thing - forbidden fruit. Angelina Jolie's tits = finishing moves in Mortal Kombat, back in 1991.

    But as we progress and become exposed to more and more of this shocking thing, our tastes change. Angelina Jolie's tits just don't do it for us anymore, so we seek out greater thrills. And before we know it, we are on a path of total desensitization, getting our base jollies off on things that any normal human being would be totally reviled by.

    And as games get more and more realistic, the shock factor isn't so cartoony anymore, like it was playing Resident Evil on PS1 or DOOM on your PC. Tearing people apart in The Darkness 2 as they scream in agony, helpless to defend themselves. That's fucked up. Really, really fucked up.

    But, like porn, it's cathartic, it releases our stresses of the day. But really, how healthy is that for our brains? Especially when more and more games these days rely on such over the top violence?

    I do not, by any means, think violent video games incite violent people, but consider this: People bitch and whine about politicians like Jack Thompson, but really if you think about it, is it any wonder there's such a strong petition by government officials when they are shown examples of what a modern video game is?
    Little Miss Gloom, as usual I completely agree with your points. We're definitely on the same page, and your comparison of desensitization to porn being similar to that of violence I feel is very accurate. Not everyone will agree. I just hope some of the points we've made will make others stop and think twice.

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    <3 :3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Miss Gloom View Post
    If I may, I feel like violence in video games today is a lot like a person's desensitation to porn.

    You first discover it, it's this magical, shocking thing - forbidden fruit. Angelina Jolie's tits = finishing moves in Mortal Kombat, back in 1991.

    But as we progress and become exposed to more and more of this shocking thing, our tastes change. Angelina Jolie's tits just don't do it for us anymore, so we seek out greater thrills. And before we know it, we are on a path of total desensitization, getting our base jollies off on things that any normal human being would be totally reviled by.

    And as games get more and more realistic, the shock factor isn't so cartoony anymore, like it was playing Resident Evil on PS1 or DOOM on your PC. Tearing people apart in The Darkness 2 as they scream in agony, helpless to defend themselves. That's fucked up. Really, really fucked up.

    But, like porn, it's cathartic, it releases our stresses of the day. But really, how healthy is that for our brains? Especially when more and more games these days rely on such over the top violence?

    I do not, by any means, think violent video games incite violent people, but consider this: People bitch and whine about politicians like Jack Thompson, but really if you think about it, is it any wonder there's such a strong petition by government officials when they are shown examples of what a modern video game is?
    I'm sorry, but if you believe that violent games don't incite violent people (a view I share by the way), then what does it matter if people are doing something that is in fact cathartic? Are we supposed to censor games simply because extremists like Jack Thompson could have visual evidence to show to the media if we don't? Where do we stop? Should games only support "traditional" notions of family or religion? Should we remove demons and creatures that don't comport with Christian conceptions of the world? What about other illegal or unethical practices in games? For example, when I play complex strategy games like Civilization, I can impose a dictatorship, I can engage in genocide, I can force people into poverty, I can steal from other players, etc...Aren't these also practices that are not acceptable in real life?

    I've been playing video games for over 30 years now. I know many other people who do as well. I've never met a fellow video gamer who wasn't fairly intelligent, generous, compassionate and creative yet. These same "violent" video games are sold all over the world and with the exception of a few countries, they aren't edited for content in any manner. Those countries don't have anywhere the level of violence that we do in this country for the most part and in some cases, their domestic media is far more embracing of violence on regular broadcast television (have you ever watched the news outside of the United States and Canada?) and in many countries, sexuality is far more open than in the United States. There are obviously other societal or cultural factors that fuel this purported violence.

    I also don't buy that porn is a gateway to deviant behavior. I would suspect that most men and lots of women have watched porn from time to time or even regularly and I can assure you that most of them aren't constantly looking for harder and harder core porn over time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojay1997 View Post
    I'm sorry, but if you believe that violent games don't incite violent people (a view I share by the way), then what does it matter if people are doing something that is in fact cathartic? Are we supposed to censor games simply because extremists like Jack Thompson could have visual evidence to show to the media if we don't? Where do we stop? Should games only support "traditional" notions of family or religion? Should we remove demons and creatures that don't comport with Christian conceptions of the world? What about other illegal or unethical practices in games? For example, when I play complex strategy games like Civilization, I can impose a dictatorship, I can engage in genocide, I can force people into poverty, I can steal from other players, etc...Aren't these also practices that are not acceptable in real life?

    I've been playing video games for over 30 years now. I know many other people who do as well. I've never met a fellow video gamer who wasn't fairly intelligent, generous, compassionate and creative yet. These same "violent" video games are sold all over the world and with the exception of a few countries, they aren't edited for content in any manner. Those countries don't have anywhere the level of violence that we do in this country for the most part and in some cases, their domestic media is far more embracing of violence on regular broadcast television (have you ever watched the news outside of the United States and Canada?) and in many countries, sexuality is far more open than in the United States. There are obviously other societal or cultural factors that fuel this purported violence.

    I also don't buy that porn is a gateway to deviant behavior. I would suspect that most men and lots of women have watched porn from time to time or even regularly and I can assure you that most of them aren't constantly looking for harder and harder core porn over time.
    The issue we're bringing attention too is not the content of games; be it demons, creatures, gangsters etc.

    We're talking about the actual depictions of extreme violence. It's the blood and guts. It's the decapitations and spewing of violent imagery that is becoming more and more realistic looking the further we develop the technology. And it's the amount of freedom the player is allowed to act out this violence that is becoming slightly perverse.

    Throughout the history of gaming we've enjoyed stories of demons, witches, ghosts and goblins, good versus evil, you name it. But it's getting to the point where developers are taking something shocking (the violence) and exploiting it because sadly it sells. Of course I don't believe that violence in the media is the leading cause of horrific acts such as Sandy Hook, but I do think it's our responsibility as a people to take a step back from the fantasy we enjoy and really ask ourselves "What longterm effect is this type of widespread intense fantasy violence going to have on future generations." Let's take ourselves out of the equation and really ask, "Just because It's excepted by the masses, does that make it right?" And yes, that same statement can be applied to porn.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bb_hood View Post

    There will always be violence in video games as well as movies and literature, and there are always non-violent alternatives. Got a kid? Get a Wii instead of the PS3 or XBOX. People just have to understand that in a civilized society violence just is not acceptable, and moreover its the parents' responsibilty to teach this to their kids.
    Interesting. It seems violence in video games, even very realistic graphic violence is acceptable to some since it's just "pixels on a screen". Its not real life.

    So if simulated murder is acceptable in a video game why not simulated rape? Simulated child physical or sex abuse? Why not a video game where you torture puppies in gruesome and realistic ways? Would anyone like to tell their friends and family that they bought the latest child rape simulator for the PS4?

    If the argument is that violence in a video game is ok because its not real then why are not these other equally taboo subjects acceptable in video games?

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