Quote Originally Posted by camarotuner View Post
The original collapse of the gaming industry in 83/84 wasn't caused by lack of sales it was caused by too much crap on the market and the backlash of customers refusing to continue to purchase it. If you want to read something interesting Spielburg (spelling?) has been warning of a major "restructuring" of Hollywood due to a lot of similar concerns being raised in the gaming industry.
Um....isn't that the definition of lack of sales?

Honestly, the majority of the arguments in that article are not going to be the reason the market collapses. The only one with merit is the out of control budgets. Once the cost to make games exceeds the profits made from them, then it's an unsustainable business model and everything will come crashing down. The price of games will rise, nobody will be able to afford them, and people will stop buying them. It's no different than any other market.