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yeah, i know that backing up cart data is prolly a niche thing, but this is kind've a niche product...that's a really interesting turn of events right there. the ability to basically use this as a Dexter for all my cart games - back em all up, never worry about having to change batteries etc - in addition to ninja-dogging my way through a tough bit with savestates, only to export said save & go right back to my OG hardware adds a lotta diversity/functions to this thing for the price. it's starting to seem a good deal even for my weird/subjective list of wants.
god, i know i just said shit's subjective but what a weird stance to have, much less you to come across very often, ugh. on a related note: nice to meet you man, ive bookmarked a few of your site's flashcarts for a while now, just waiting ot pay some bills & save up a bit!