I wouldn't mind hidden gem videos as much if they mentioned how common the games were so people wouldn't start overpaying for them. Or if these people just reviewed good games without describing them as "hidden gems".

I really dislike the Game Chasers. They make it obvious they're video taping for a show when they're looking for "bargains" so sellers will always become aware of what they should price higher. Even when stuff is really common and they pay average prices for them anyway. Plus everything is focused on the values, showing just how well they did with their finds.

The way Lazy Game Reviews does thrift store hunts is much better. He uses a hidden camera to avoid drawing attention to what he's doing, and he's not just going after valuable stuff for bragging rights or profiting. Even if stuff isn't particularly valuable, he goes after and shows interesting looking items. He's actually enjoyable to watch and listen to.