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Thread: Descent: Underground, The Newest Official Descent Game

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    Default Descent: Underground, The Newest Official Descent Game

    Some developers of Star Citizen have decided to develop a new entry in the Descent series. To do so, they have started a "Descent: Underground" Kickstarter campaign. The finished game will be released as a program for Windows, Mac, & Linux. It will include a single player campaign. It will also have multi-player for up to 64 combatants on a single map! The team is working with a number of members of the current Descent 1&2 fan community to make sure the flight and gameplay feel right. The team is updating things here and there so that the older generations and the newer generations of gamers can both enjoy the newest in the series.

    Current fundraising numbers stand at 4,282 backers pledging $241,361 toward a goal of $600,000 with 20 days left to go.

    What are your thoughts? Do you hope this project succeeds? Would you be happier with leaving the Descent series where it already is with the last entry?

  2. #2
    Bell (Level 8)
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    I hope it succeeds but I never do kickstarters. I will wait until it is released before I give them any money. Kind of dumb to just trust that a kickstarter will be good or even come out at all. It will take more than nostalgia to get me to donate.
    Cool people I have bought stuff from on this board: orrimarrko kyosuke75 dave2236 video_game_addict cloudstrife29661 NESCollector75

  3. #3
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    I can see this going the way of star citizen, it already has the start up that star citizen did.

    so basically tons of money and no game and a bunch of empty promises

  4. #4
    ServBot (Level 11) Edmond Dantes's Avatar
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    At first I was kinda interested, but then I started reading their description.

    " CHOOSE your role.

    Fight from a distance, slug it out up close and personal, provide repair and logistical support, or harvest and haul critical resources. Build and upgrade your drones. Set traps. Secure critical passages. Defend your team. Win the day!"

    Right at this point, something just struck me as wrong. Since when the hell is Descent about "choosing your role?" What part of Descent 1, 2, or 3 was about "providing repair and logistical support" or "harvesting and hauling critical resources?" This isn't Descent, this is Team Fortress with aircraft!

    And as the description goes on, it sounds completely unlike anything I associate with Descent... save for the movement-in-all-directions thing. That's literally all the Descent-ish substance I notice. This is wrong. Like okay, I could understand wanting to make a Descent-esque variant of Team Fortress, but don't call it Descent if its not really Descent. Descent is about exploring mines and shooting up out-of-control robot overlords, not this corporate warfare stuff (yes, I know that megacorps were implied in the original games and became explicit in the third one, but that was just one corp).

    Would be like announcing a Heretic kickstarter, but saying its about several Elvish nations all vying for power and resources, instead of a world destroyed by an evil religion. Just wouldn't be right.

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    Personally I believe that this game's design really is gilding the lily.

    As others have written, it is taking that core experience of Descent, of isolation and working alone to escape and survive and explore in a hostile, cramped environment, and bombarding it with everything that is currently popular in multi-player games and gaming in general instead of focusing on that key, classical single-player experience.

    Or to put it another way, it is taking some other generic modern game and splashing Descent paint all over the surface of it.

    And why? Why, to cash in on an established name and nostalgia, of course.

  6. #6
    "Ai Oboete Imasu Ka?" Flashback2012's Avatar
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    I played the original Descent a TON. I used to work in an arcade that had these guys that come in with a LAN set up and they'd have it where we do pay to play LAN sessions on games like Doom II, Rise of the Triad, Duke Nukem, Descent, and I think Quake before the whole thing got pulled out of the arcade. While it was there I remember playing a TON of Doom II and Descent. I remember wanting to get my very own CH Flightstick PRO and a good enough PC at home so I could play these games but at the time I was way more focused on console gaming.

    I see this KS and I'm not feeling the same thing as I did for the original Descent. It doesn't look or feel similar to me at all.
    "Ai Oboete Imasu Ka?"

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