Quote Originally Posted by celerystalker View Post
I recently bought an item from that seller, but it wad only one. Shipping was a little steep, but it usually is from Japan. Everything went fine for me. A little while back, though, I combined from several auctions from a seller and under payment, there is an option to request an invoice and attach a message. It saved me about $20.
Well, i took the risk then, cancelled my return request on Nyankies NYC and bought Adventure Island III and well, i upgraded to EMS.

i got the two titles shipped along, tough i am not sure if he will refund me part of the shipping of one of the titles, since i still needed to gave him 3 USD for fee for the 2nd game.

Well, he sent me a message apologizing for all the trouble the other members gave me, cause it's a newbie that was working 2 weeks ago, and they have shipped my titles already with a gift

by pure casuality Celerystalker if it's ok to ask, what item did you buyed?

As for the invoice combination thingy, i suppose its only for auctions that you won, crap, well it seem weird to me since lil.tupac had no auctions and all of them were BIN's