The 1990 original did go on for many months, it was not a 30 day affair. They opened up a crap ton of locations at malls and other locations all across the US and they did tiers after tiers to get far more than 750(this one in 2015 has) people out of the way to cart the best out to LA at Universal Studios to do the thing.

It's nice they're doing it, but it's also an insult to those old enough to remember or have tried for the original. 30 days, 1 game for 3DS, 750 spots, and only 6 places across this huge country to do that. I call shenanigans on it. Unless by some miracle they do it in my town I'm not bothering. I can't see myself driving 2-4 hours to Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Nashville or St Louis if it's hosted there with such limited spaces, gas and time involved just getting there, not to mention practicing up before hand. A real shame. I'll still watch and try and enjoy it, but it will never have the honest luster of the original with the mishandled setup. I think they did a snap decision to do this as they had nothing new (huge) to show this year with the NX put off a year for a first unveiling, Zelda kicked well into 2016 (since they look at years from April1 to Mar 31st), and things being fairly quiet. I'm sure they will bring the games, probably more so on the 3DS front, but they were going to take a pasting and be ignored this year due to Sony and MS too, and this is a big easy attention grabbing event to suck that off of them.