alright I am kinda bummed as I was working on a drop in replacement RF board for the famicom. I know its been done before but its always been another RF replacement until I found this place...

and then this item

I'm tempted to grab it and to a bit of reverse engineering, the only difference this has for out put that I was plotting for my idea was a stereo out instead of mono.
$27 plus shipping seems a bit much for something like that though but who knows it might be worth it.

they had some other odd things like "DIY Famicoms" here and here that second one looks VERY interesting. they are obviously clones but hardware clones aside from the usual emulator clones that seem to have compatibility problems. the prices still though, sheesh.

I saw these too: link
I gather they are CPU/PPU replacements for a NTSC console but I am curious if its got a RGB chip. it may be a clone chip but it might be a variant that would have something like that

any way I thought I would share and discuss a bit. I'm tempted to shoot them an email because I cant make out the writing on the replacement chips on my phone to see if I could find any data sheets