Yeah, there were even people losing their shit when they heard about the 300-some Breach & Clear restock, assuming that it was additional copies on top of the 1500 run (which they weren't, just cancelled bulk orders).

Personally, I don't have a problem with the one-time printing. I just hope that they can gauge demand enough so that future games have enough copies to at least last for a day, preferably longer yet. Just so long as it isn't too much of a mad dash to buy. As far as I'm concerned, they give pretty ample time to learn about what's on the horizon and when it'll go on sale (I mean, the Vita and PS4 versions of Saturday Morning RPG and Cosmic Star Heroine will probably take us through January at least, I'm guessing? And the sales date for PS4 Saturday Morning RPG was listed on the site a month in advance), so it's just a matter of checking in once in a while and keeping tabs on the sales dates of whatever you want. It only sucks for people who won't learn about Limited Run Games until after titles they want are already sold out, but that can happen with countless games.