Quote Originally Posted by stlgamer75 View Post
32X: Moto Cross - ugly and unplayable
I'm a 32x fanboy and that game has zero redeeming qualities. I debated and debated and finally got it new for $40 at Software Etc, probably the last 32x game I bought at retail and then the Playstation launched. Didn't see a whole lot of media coverage but fell for the long winded score that Halverson gave it in Diehard Gamefan, 75/100 I think.

Totally, totally unplayable. Racing graphics look like shit, physics are garbage, the whole Road Rash punching thing is stupid as hell, and every single race starts with everyone jammed into a goverment cheese handout line. Even the digitized still shots of the trophy girls ended up being completely covered up from their original bikini attire.

Sad thing is this was in development prior to the 32x even launching and ended up being a turd, and on top of that it is the only game I know of where the 32x video output is the *entire* screen; not just the sprites or background or some other small part. In game the Gensis graphics are not used at all unlike say Knuckles, MK2, or Cosmic Carnage where the limited Genny video output makes up a huge chunk of what you see. That fact makes you think this would be at least one of the best looking games but it looks and plays like dogshit.