I wanted to get Corpse Party on my Vita finished off in 2016, considering I started it in, what, summer, but that didn't happen. At least I got my first end in the final chapter, but it was a wrong end of course, so no actual beating of the game. I kinda don't know what I'm doing anymore, haha. It's not helping that I'm going long stretches between playing. I have no idea what I could've done differently outside of way back near the beginning of the chapter. Everything else felt pretty linear, unless I was supposed to avoid picking something up or switch who I was controlling at earlier points. But, yeah, I know that when Yuka is being chased, you can have her caught or successfully run away. Everything I did before that wrong end was after letting Yuka get caught, and I know if I have her run away, there's then an option in the long cutscene after that which results in a pretty significant diversion, or so it seems. That seems like the "right" thing to do, whereas with the course of events that led to the wrong end, everything seemed to be going to hell, haha. So I guess I'll start way back with my Yuka save and see where that takes me.