Now that I've beaten Corpse Party, I'm just working on getting the things I missed. I got the three wrong ends I missed in chapters 1 and 2, which weren't a big deal, even if if I did have to restart both chapters from scratch for two of them. What's really ticking me off is the single corpse name tag I missed in Chapter 3. I got all of the endings in Chapter 3, so that's the sole thing I missed in it. I totally forgot about it, but there was a corpse at the very end of the chapter that was blocked by victim's memoirs. Turns out you're forced to pick between getting either the corpse or the wrong end from reading all five of the chapter's memoirs. It'd be fine if I could just load up an old save, skip reading the earlier memoirs, and then get the corpse, but I loaded up all four frickin' Chapter 3 saves I had, starting from the one closest to the end of Chapter 3 to the oldest save, and EVERY damn one of them had all of the first four memoirs read, meaning that stupid fifth memoir would show up every damn time, blocking the corpse. So not only did I waste my time completing the chapter four times over with those saves, but now I realize I have to start from the very beginning of the damn chapter to get that corpse at the end. And unlike the previous chapters, Chapter 3 is more lengthy. My oldest save was like 2/3 of the way in the chapter. It's BS that they give you access to all of the first four memoirs that early in the chapter. It's like they really want to screw you out of getting that last corpse of the chapter. Really, this is what most of my missed stuff is like. Things where you have to deliberately avoid checking out a room or item, so the player is essentially punished for exploring and being thorough.