Still playing everything mentioned in my previous post. In Ozmafia on PC, I started up Caramia's route yet again, specifically with the intention of getting Kyrie as the rival, and I picked the choices I skipped previously, which triggered the route switch. I had been avoiding switching to his route, thinking it would drop me off somewhere in the middle of doing his full route, which I've yet to attempt at all, but since I learned that the routes are totally different when doing a switch, I figured I may as well do Kyrie's now.

I fully polished off Heishi's route in Norn9 on Vita, so I decided to switch heroines and start up Senri's. I think it'll be interesting, since Senri barely shows up in the other routes (which makes sense of course, as he's a total shut-in). Also on Vita, in Octodad: Dadliest Catch, I'm still in the Aquarium, but I found each of the family members and completed their sections. I'm really having a hell of a time finding the tie collectibles in the game. I think I only have six so far. The trophies seem to be tough to unlock too. I think I've only got one of those.

Lastly, I played a little Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on Genesis, which doesn't sound like anything special, but it's actually pretty exciting for me. You see, our trusty old CRT TV (which we bought new back in 2003 or some such) bit the dust several months ago, and we only just recently found ourselves a replacement. I'm stubborn enough that I won't hook up classic systems to an HDTV and make the games look like ass, so I haven't been playing any retro home consoles in a while. Anyway, the new (old) TV is pretty nice. It's no fancy Trinitron or anything, but it's better than our previous set in that it not only accepts RF, composite, and s-video, but also component. It's also a bit smaller and considerably lighter than our old one, which is something we were looking for. We also wanted a set with a rounded screen, as we're not super crazy about totally flat screened CRTs. Anyway, all those positives aside, it's also been disheartening because, even though it looked perfectly fine when the Craigslist seller played a movie on it to demonstrate that it works, once we brought it home and waited a few days to buy a remote for it (since it didn't come with one), we discovered that it has vertical foldover. It seems that some colors and resolutions play nice with it better than others, such that sometimes you see nothing and sometimes you see horizontal bars across the top fifth or so of the screen. The picture is great otherwise, so it's really disappointing. So right now, I don't know what we're going to do with it. Maybe we'll try to get it fixed, or maybe we'll ultimately trash it and begin our search for a CRT TV anew. It wasn't terribly expensive, and getting rid of it is as easy as taking it outside and placing it at the curb (thank goodness we live in NYC and don't have to haul stuff like that to a dump ourselves), so that part of it doesn't bother me much. I'm just tired of having problems with this stuff and tired of being without a good CRT TV to play my old games on.