Though I was very much enjoying Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds on Vita, I hate to leave Period Cube barely touched, so I switched back to that. I'm now on Chapter/Quest 4 in Hiroya's route. I also briefly tried out some new Vita acquisitions. I popped in both Mutants Mudds Deluxe and Mutant Mudds: Super Challenge. Neither impressed me much. Even though, generally speaking, I like straightforward platformers more than Metroid-style games, I'd say Xeodrifter is the better game from that developer. Though maybe my mind would change after more time with the Mutant Mudds games. Similarly, Earth Defense Force 2 didn't really grab me. I know that franchise has a cult following, but I wasn't seeing what all the hype was about.

I decided recently to pick up a couple GBA games I've been putting off buying for years and years, and the first to show up was Donkey Kong Country 3. I love the SNES original and have played that tons, so the main draw here was to hear the brand new soundtrack. I played till I cleared the first boss (that dumb belching barrel). The new music isn't bad, nor was I ever that crazy about the SNES soundtrack, but man, does it throw me off. I'm just so accustomed to how the game sounds on SNES. The graphical changes don't do much for me (I miss Wrinkly's N64), and the added mini-games are pretty lousy. But nitpicks aside, it's a fun game in any form.