Holy crap, I learned something today. I didn't think it was even practical to do an RTS on the Gameboy, not even the GBA. Shows what I know, eh? Something else for the Backlog of Glory.

Anyway, I still wouldn't say the genre is dead, or even dying just yet. It is getting a bit stagnant, not that this is unusual among games as a whole. Hopefully something fresh comes along to shake things up. It doesn't have to be would-be AAA trendsetter, just something a bit different or even outright kooky, as long as it makes conquest fun again. It doesn't even need to be 'pure RTS' to work. Imagine Ogre Battle getting a comeback, with a bit more emphasis on fortification (or an emphasis, period) and more on-the-fly decision-making. As long as the reputation meter doesn't come back; just because I kept it happy doesn't mean I enjoyed it.