Man, I got skunked on the Flower Festival yet again in Harvest Moon 64. I voted for Ann again, this time as king, but she wasn't selected to play the role of the goddess this time. At least I could decline dancing with the one chosen and dance with Ann anyway. On that note, Ann is up to a pink heart, and I still have no clue how to wed. I wouldn't be surprised if I have to get a certain house expansion first, but everything takes too damn much lumber. I've almost got a full barn of cows and sheep now. I've turned my first cow into a calf-making machine, haha. She's already given birth to two, with one more coming, and I've bought four sheep. I figure I may as well go half cows, half sheep in this file. I don't know which is ultimately more profitable (probably cows), but I'm not gonna pass on the opportunity of keeping sheep when they're new to this version of Harvest Moon.

In The Charming Empire on PC, I think I'm up to Chapter 11 in Soshi's route? I saw the plot twist coming a mile away, but I'm still kind of glad they pulled it rather than doing nothing interesting. That said, how they've handled it since has been pretty ehhhhh. The protagonist's thoughts, feelings, and reactions are all over the place and make even less sense than usual.

For some much better writing, I got back to Collar X Malice on Vita. This opening common chapter after the prologue feels like it's going on for all eternity. Not in a bad way, I'm just surprised that I still haven't advanced to the next chapter.