The PS3 is the newest console I'll ever own because I currently see no real reason to upgrade. My favorite genre/era of games is arcade ports of the 80-90's. Realistically, the PS2 covered that ground nicely, and I could have very well stopped there. I will admit, it was nice getting a PS3 with its fancy wireless controllers and ability to play The Pinball Arcade, and it was my first Blu-Ray player, but there hasn't been any reason to upgrade beyond what the PS3 has offered for myself.

I'm not overly wild about not "physically" owning some games. I know that it is inevitable. I own a slew of arcade and retro game compilations on a bunch of various platforms (most of which I purchased for well under $20) and now those individual games on those discs are being offered for a buck or two a piece. Makes little sense to me to buy them yet again at a premium price. Lord knows how many Namco Arcade collections I already own across the last few generations.