Quote Originally Posted by Bojay1997 View Post
With regard to the competition, I disagree that there is any other company out there that has a business model that would allow the release of even a fraction of the releases LRG is able to get into collector and gamer hands physically. I mean LRG is at well over 100 releases in three years when the next most prolific competitors (Play Asia and Soedesco) are at maybe 20 each in the same period.
The feeling I get with LRG is that it's quantity over quality, they just want to publish and profit on as many games as possible regardless if they're good or not. They know people will buy them for their collectability and as a future "investment" due to how limited they are. I don't know if that's really how they feel or not(I do suspect so), but that's how they're starting to come across to a large number of their customer base. Yes they're still selling out, and as you can see in this thread even the people who regularly complain about them are still buying games from them. Eventually people will become burnt out on buying every release and variant just to have a complete collection, and then they'll just focus on games they personally like, and eventually stop buying the majority of the titles being released. It just hasn't peaked yet, but it will. Just like with Beanie Babies.

I still feel that if LRG wasn't around, other companies already releasing similar games would pick up the slack and start publishing more games. They just aren't fighting over as many of the games that LRG are already picking up.