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Thread: Games that everyone likes except you

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    Default Games that everyone likes except you

    What are some games that receive very high scores or you hear lots of people say is an awesome game but you never saw the appeal?

    For me the first that comes to mind is Resident Evil 4. I liked 1, 2, and Code Veronica. Thats it.

    Grand Theft Auto 4. Didnt like it at all. In fact its one of the worst games I have ever played and thats not hyperbole.

    Star Wars KOTOR. I just didnt get it. Too many menus, combat system was weird.

    Flashback. I just didnt like the controls. It got great reviews back in the day.

    Marvel VS Capcom. Just couldnt get into it

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    There's a lot, but I like to think there are a lot of sheep out there. And it's not that I don't like some of these games, it's that some of these games are popular and well loved, simply because popularity.

    Over the past decade I've played a lot of Dreamcast games I haven't played, Jet Set Radio, Sonic Adventures, etc and I've come to the conclusion that these games are only highly rated by Dreamcast owners and everyone else because A, there's literally nothing else to play on the system, or B, they're 99.9% of the sheep who praise how amazing the Dreamcast is because of how popular the system has become to the hardcore gamer.

    Now, Phantasy Star Online, Grandia 2, Resident Evil Code Veronica, etc are pretty awesome, but one such example of these highly praised games that are instead sh*t is Shenmue. I've only played the first game always thought it was a bad game. Everyone praising the game was like I stated above, one of the few people who bought a Dreamcast and praised pretty much anything and everything released on the system or one of the casual sheep that will believe anything they hear if the internet says it's true. Once Shenmue HD came out though, look at how many people shit all over the game, instead of being one of the best games they've never played, most people can't complain enough about it. The reason why it was so hyped is because it was on a console that didn't have any games and the graphics for their time were amazing, something that happens quite often.

    A lot of you already know I'm not fond of Secret of Mana, another game I've openly shit all over in this forum. Once the remake came out, people are pointing out the same issues I've been pointing out long ago, stating that Square Enix ruined the game because of the issues with the remake, but the remake is near identical to the original version outside of the eight way attacking for both heroes and enemies which makes gameplay to the remake better than the original version. On the SNES it's got amazing graphics, great music, so of course it's gained a cult following. If you were criticizing Secret of Mana you were a troll, so there's a lot of trolls out there now, right?

    You've got shit games like Final Fantasy 12 and Final Fantasy 15 that people praise to the ends of the Earth(although FF15 has some people who criticize it, not nearly as split as FF13 though.) These games have millions of sales and millions of fans, but most people won't even take a second glance at games like Ys8 which is hands down better than the 2018 GotY God of War, not a bad game, but hell if it's as good as people make it out to be. Graphics and the popularity of the brand is why it's 10/10.

    You could very well say, millions of people can't be wrong, but these "millions of people" own and play very little. I for one have a lot of friends who play games that might have a dozen or two games by the end of the gen, and almost all of them are going to be what the public sees as the most popular, and that's pretty much how it is with most people. Think how many Wii owners out there were who bought next to nothing and had Wii sports as one of their only titles?

    I criticize anything and everything that I feel deserves it, considering that a lot of the popular games now days are some of the most average cookie cutter titles of them all, there's a lot of games that I don't care for as much as a lot of people do.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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    You can be in the minority in disliking a game without insulting the majority by calling them sheep and suggesting they only like the game because other people like it. :/

    As for myself, I'm not into the vast majority of Western games. If I do like a Western game, it's probably been inspired by Japanese games, like platformers and certain indies and what have you. I'm not into basically any open world games or anything with a strong online component.

    As for Japanese games, the Final Fantasy series is a big one for me in terms of going against the majority. Despite my love for RPGs, I've never played a mainline Final Fantasy that I felt was any better than so-so. The ones I've played to completion are 1 through 5 and 7. Of those, 7 was the one I liked the least, despite it being one of the most popular. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say I like Final Fantasy Mystic Quest better than all those mainline games.

    I'm also not crazy about F-Zero GX. I love F-Zero X, and I know a lot of people think GX is even better, but GX feels too slippery to me, and I can't stand the music (while I love the X soundtrack). Sega can make good racers, but I don't think an F-Zero game should have that Sega feel.

    Everybody makes a big deal about Rare in the N64 era, but I actually like their pre-N64 output better. I love the DKC games, but everything I've played from Rare on N64 is mediocre at best to me. Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64 felt like a chore to me for the most part. I also have no love for Kirkhope's music.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    You can be in the minority in disliking a game without insulting the majority by calling them sheep and suggesting they only like the game because other people like it. :/
    I feel with the Secret of Mana and Shenmue rereleases, I've offered a bit of proof that these games were only liked due to their cult status, hence the people who liked the original Secret of Mana and then attacked the rerelease were nothing more than sheep as it's an identical game. The people who praised Shenmue but have never played it finally got a taste of what the best game you've never played was like, only to find out it was complete trash.

    Games don't age poorly, they were never good in the first place. I think you said this yourself.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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    I first heard of Shenmue in 2003 or so. A friend of mine sold me a CIB copy for $5. I went into it not knowing anything about it and was absolutely blown away. It looked better than a lot of the sandbox type games I had played prior to that such as Vice City and Morrowind.

    With that being said I recently played Shenmue II on the Xbox and its still one of my favorite games. So I dont consider myself a bandwagon jumper at all. I do think its the ultimate hate it or love it game.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    I feel with the Secret of Mana and Shenmue rereleases, I've offered a bit of proof that these games were only liked due to their cult status, hence the people who liked the original Secret of Mana and then attacked the rerelease were nothing more than sheep as it's an identical game. The people who praised Shenmue but have never played it finally got a taste of what the best game you've never played was like, only to find out it was complete trash.

    Games don't age poorly, they were never good in the first place. I think you said this yourself.
    Games don't change but perspectives and expectations do. A lot of people didn't like the Secret of Mana remake because they were so attached to the original version that they will be against any and all changes. It's factually incorrect to say the game is "identical" because it's not. A port would be identical. Others didn't like the remake because they expected the remake to go a lot further and modernize the entire game. I imagine it's the same kind of deal with Shenmue. That's not proof that the games are objectively bad nor is it proof that people like those games solely because other people do (and then you'd get into the whole chicken and the egg scenario of how did anyone like it to begin with then, if there wasn't anybody for that first group to take their cue from). If you weren't convinced of your biased, insulting assumptions, you'd see that there are countless examples of "proof" of people who have like those games and others for their own merits, not because of some kind of peer pressure nonsense. I dunno, maybe you still live your life like you're in middle school, but I think most gamers (especially ones who are into retro games and thus older) aren't so easily influenced and can come to their own independent conclusions.

    I myself am a fan of Secret of Mana, and I like both the original and the remake. I never even played the original until around 2000, and I bought it because one single friend told me he liked it. I knew little of any "cult status" it had, and even if everyone and their brother were telling me it was amazing, that would be no guarantee I'd like it. Around the same period of time, I played Ocarina of Time, which I quit midway through and had to force myself to return to and finish (I wouldn't say I dislike the game, but it's definitely not one of my favorites, or even one of my favorite Zelda games), and I also played Final Fantasy VII around that time. If my fondness of Secret of Mana is because I'm a sheep who only likes it because of the "cult status", then why am I not also a big fan of Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VII? Your theories don't hold any water and just serve as as excuse for you to turn your nose up and think you're better than other gamers.
    Last edited by Aussie2B; 01-16-2019 at 01:28 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gbpxl View Post
    I first heard of Shenmue in 2003 or so. A friend of mine sold me a CIB copy for $5. I went into it not knowing anything about it and was absolutely blown away. It looked better than a lot of the sandbox type games I had played prior to that such as Vice City and Morrowind.

    With that being said I recently played Shenmue II on the Xbox and its still one of my favorite games. So I dont consider myself a bandwagon jumper at all. I do think its the ultimate hate it or love it game.
    Agree with you. I actually had a Dreamcast at launch and got Shenmue the day it came out. I loved it then and I still love it. I would also argue that it established the pattern for later Sega games like the Yakuza series. I can understand someone not liking Shenmue as there is a lot of walking around and doing a whole lot of nothing at certain stages, but calling anyone who liked it a sheep is downright ignorant.

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    I've never played Shenmue myself, but I've really enjoyed watching others play through the games. They've got an immersive world, an interesting plot, and endearing characters. And that's about all you need for a story-focused game. If someone only cares about gameplay, I could see them disliking Shenmue, but then that just means it's not their kind of game. It'd be like me playing an open world game and then complaining about it being an open world game. They're just not for me. It doesn't mean the entire genre and every game in it is bad. Since the style of game isn't for me, I don't even think I'm qualified to make calls on which are bad and which are good. But for whatever reason, many people who are opposed to story-focused games, be they stuff like Shenmue, "walking simulators", visual novels, etc., love to talk like elitists and make out entire genres as objectively inferior to gameplay-focused games.

    When I got Shenmue on Dreamcast back in the day, I just bought it on a whim because there were so few RPGs available on Dreamcast (in English, at least), and Shenmue seemed marginally similar to an RPG. What's funny is my spouse poked fun at it back then, because, for whatever reason, he had a negative impression of the game. He also wasn't particularly fond of the Dreamcast either (neither am I), but he tried Shenmue for the heck of it one day and very quickly fell in love with it. So much for the theory that people only like Shenmue because other people tell them to or out of some sort of devotion to the Dreamcast.

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    Besides the usual cookie cutter FPS and sports stuff?

    Lets see...Street Fighter and almost all of its iterations and variants. Some of them I can admit to being objectively good, but I don't like them and I suck at most of them, I can't even make a spectacle out of losing. Tekken and Dead or Alive are games I don't really like, but at least I can be entertaining as a training dummy.

    Final Fantasy VIII is something that just stumbles into a halt three to five hours in. I had friends that swore by this game and still stand by it now. I tried to pretend to like KOTOR, but the game halting because some party member 'looked troubled' every two minutes when I was trying to actually play the damn game made it a failed campaign very quickly. Dragon Age Origins is something I feel slightly better about, but the combat was clunky and trying to use traps and bombs was a waste of time, which I felt was a shame. "Fixing it with mods" is not something that makes up for it.

    If you want a big series I can't stand, its GTA. Call the modern iterations deconstructions or stealth satire, make the characters tragically flawed and give them crap lives and crappier deaths, I don't care.
    RPGs: Proof that one you start done the dork path, forever will it dominate your wallet's destiny.

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    I haven't played 4 but Uncharted gets my vote for this question. Story and visuals are fine enough but the "action" sequences are clunky and boring.

    I bet Tugger wants to hear a song off me new album!

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    I thought of another one. I know a lot of people regard Phantasy Star II as a classic, but I couldn't stand it. I did force myself to play it all the way to completion, but I'd say it's one of the worst RPGs I've beaten. Some fans of it suggest that anyone who doesn't like it just doesn't have the patience for RPGs of that age, but I've played and enjoyed even older RPGs. Phantasy Star II is such an utter slog that about the only positive thing I can say about it is that it has a pretty cool ending.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    ...but one such example of these highly praised games that are instead sh*t is Shenmue.
    I fully agree with this, I personally dislike Shenmue quite a bit. I know I'm not in the overall minority, Sega counted on Shenmue to be the saviour title to save the Dreamcast, it didn't and the console died out.

    Shenmue is one of those games that people either love, or hate. Very little middle ground. I personally love most adventure games, and hearing about Shenmue is why I bought a Dreamcast, specifically just to play it. It falls apart in several ways. It has a real time clock, only it's not actually in real time. Just when I started exploring the town and began to make progress, all the shops closed and I had to head home to sleep. That just interrupted my flow of the game when I was just starting to get into it. Also the voice acting is awful. I'm not usually one to complain about dubs with anime or games but this was just bad and distracting. As for the story, it was interesting, but it wants to be treated seriously and the game completely undermines it. Like your father has just been murdered so you want to avenge him which is serious, only you first have to help a little girl feed her cat, and help an elderly person find an address, etc. And when you're at home you can explore every drawer, whether it's necessary or not. It's all just needlessly slow and I can't seem to like any of the characters or take the story seriously in any way. I sold off the game and the console soon after. Pretty much every decent game on the console got rereleased on other consoles later so there's no real reason to keep a Dreamcast now.

    I also don't like Ocarina of Time. Just make a game with horrible 3D controls and you've got the secret of most Nintendo 64 games. I pretty much hate the system as a whole, driving games are alright on it but I don't care about a console just for generic driving games. There was a video someone made describing specifically why Ocarina of Time was inferior to Link to the Past and I pretty much agreed with the points being made.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    I fully agree with this, I personally dislike Shenmue quite a bit. I know I'm not in the overall minority, Sega counted on Shenmue to be the saviour title to save the Dreamcast, it didn't and the console died out.

    Shenmue is one of those games that people either love, or hate. Very little middle ground. I personally love most adventure games, and hearing about Shenmue is why I bought a Dreamcast, specifically just to play it. It falls apart in several ways. It has a real time clock, only it's not actually in real time. Just when I started exploring the town and began to make progress, all the shops closed and I had to head home to sleep. That just interrupted my flow of the game when I was just starting to get into it. Also the voice acting is awful. I'm not usually one to complain about dubs with anime or games but this was just bad and distracting. As for the story, it was interesting, but it wants to be treated seriously and the game completely undermines it. Like your father has just been murdered so you want to avenge him which is serious, only you first have to help a little girl feed her cat, and help an elderly person find an address, etc. And when you're at home you can explore every drawer, whether it's necessary or not. It's all just needlessly slow and I can't seem to like any of the characters or take the story seriously in any way. I sold off the game and the console soon after. Pretty much every decent game on the console got rereleased on other consoles later so there's no real reason to keep a Dreamcast now.

    I also don't like Ocarina of Time. Just make a game with horrible 3D controls and you've got the secret of most Nintendo 64 games. I pretty much hate the system as a whole, driving games are alright on it but I don't care about a console just for generic driving games. There was a video someone made describing specifically why Ocarina of Time was inferior to Link to the Past and I pretty much agreed with the points being made.
    I watched the said video and thought the guy was being nitpicky. I still think OOT is in my top ten. But yeah the controls on N64 games generally werent the best and I blame the lousy controller design

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    I can't say the controls played any role in my so-so reception of Ocarina of Time. I thought they were fine, and I'm a big fan of both the N64 and its controller. I can't really say what about the game didn't click with me like with so many others. I think I just found it too slow-moving and long, so it wore out its welcome on me. I remember I quit awhile while in the Shadow Temple. The Water Temple was frustrating and annoying (even with using the Nintendo Power guide for assistance), and the well and Shadow Temple were annoyingly dark and gave me with the creeps (which is the point, yes, but I'm not really into horror games and those parts almost feel like one).

    I never even fell for the hype either. Despite having a Nintendo Power subscription at the time, where they were treating Ocarina of Time like the Second Coming, both before and after its release, I was never that excited for it and didn't bother buying it at launch. I think it was around half a year after launch (which at that age, felt like I fairly long time) when I decided to pick up a copy and give it a try.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    I know I'm not in the overall minority, Sega counted on Shenmue to be the saviour title to save the Dreamcast, it didn't and the console died out.
    I think that's more a matter of the game's budget than its reception. The sales figures weren't bad at all, so if it had a regular budget for a game of that time, it would've been considered successful. But Sega dug themselves into a hole with how much they spent on Shenmue, and it would've taken ridiculously high sales to turn a good profit.

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    It wasn't just the controls that bothered me with Ocarina of Time, but they really didn't help. I disliked having to lock onto enemies rather than just being able to attack them easily like with proper 2D Zelda games. I always seem to be fighting against the controls in most 3D games, I'll put up with them for games that I really get into, but for average games I don't see the point when I'm not enjoying it. The same goes for Super Mario 64, and the Rare games on the N64. I'm not a big fan of Rare games in general, they made some good games for the NES and SNES but I find most of their games in general to be mediocre or just bad. Back to OOT, I also found it slow and boring for the most part, most times when I tried to play the game I never made it out of the opening village as I got bored by then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    I think that's more a matter of the game's budget than its reception. The sales figures weren't bad at all, so if it had a regular budget for a game of that time, it would've been considered successful. But Sega dug themselves into a hole with how much they spent on Shenmue, and it would've taken ridiculously high sales to turn a good profit.
    I remember hearing how Sega viewed Shenmue as the next killer app, something that would convince people that they needed to buy a Dreamcast. Essentially it would be the next Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tetris, or Super Mario 64. It wasn't, it sold decently but it wasn't as good as they thought it would be. Of course fans of the game talk about it as though it's one of the greatest games ever made, rather than a decent at best title. A big reason why it sold as well as it did back then is because of how "groundbreaking" it was at the time, rather than for being a fun game. I personally don't care about being able to search every drawer in every house just because no game before then could handle that much detail, it's mostly boring to actually try doing this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    It wasn't just the controls that bothered me with Ocarina of Time, but they really didn't help. I disliked having to lock onto enemies rather than just being able to attack them easily like with proper 2D Zelda games. I always seem to be fighting against the controls in most 3D games, I'll put up with them for games that I really get into, but for average games I don't see the point when I'm not enjoying it. The same goes for Super Mario 64, and the Rare games on the N64. I'm not a big fan of Rare games in general, they made some good games for the NES and SNES but I find most of their games in general to be mediocre or just bad. Back to OOT, I also found it slow and boring for the most part, most times when I tried to play the game I never made it out of the opening village as I got bored by then.

    I remember hearing how Sega viewed Shenmue as the next killer app, something that would convince people that they needed to buy a Dreamcast. Essentially it would be the next Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tetris, or Super Mario 64. It wasn't, it sold decently but it wasn't as good as they thought it would be. Of course fans of the game talk about it as though it's one of the greatest games ever made, rather than a decent at best title. A big reason why it sold as well as it did back then is because of how "groundbreaking" it was at the time, rather than for being a fun game. I personally don't care about being able to search every drawer in every house just because no game before then could handle that much detail, it's mostly boring to actually try doing this.
    Shenmue is the most abudantly available Dreamcast game at the moment. Whether or not that correlates to sales or not is up for debate but i think it does say that a lot of them were sold

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    Quote Originally Posted by gbpxl View Post
    What are some games that receive very high scores or you hear lots of people say is an awesome game but you never saw the appeal?

    For me the first that comes to mind is Resident Evil 4. I liked 1, 2, and Code Veronica. Thats it.

    Grand Theft Auto 4. Didnt like it at all. In fact its one of the worst games I have ever played and thats not hyperbole.

    Flashback. I just didnt like the controls. It got great reviews back in the day.
    It might depend on which version of Flashback you're playing. Apparently there was some recent remake or something which everyone hates?

    I kinda agree with the others you listed... can't say for sure about GTA4 because I really only played GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas, and I didn't care for any of them. Even when one fixed what I didn't like about another, it would introduce another problem, and they all had overriding flaws... they were just such empty, pointless games. What doesn't help is they were mis-advertised (to me anyway). Everything I ever heard was about how much freedom you have, but in reality, you're pretty damn restricted and forced to follow a story which I just plain don't care about.

    Resident Evil 4 is easily one of the most overrated Gamecube games I ever played. While I had some good times with it, it sufffered a problem of sometimes being a really bland shooter (most of the "action" is just slowly lining up your shot then firing, you might as well be in a shooting gallery at an arcade, at least that has the kitsch appeal of using a real toy gun), and the rest of the time being a shit version of Dragon's Lair. It's just such a chore to play, I don't see how anyone can stand it.

    I'm gonna add one of my own here: I honestly don't get why people are so ga-ga for Metroid Prime. I only played the first one (Again on Gamecube) and honestly... this is speaking as a long-time Metroid fan... Prime has a strong start, but almost immediately gets boring as hell. The simplest way I can describe it is it plays like a Zelda game--and this was during the time where Zelda games were so mechanical and rote. "Hold up shield, dodge, attack their back. Repeat." Metroid was always more about exploration with combat being so quick as to be almost an afterthought, but Prime made it much more of a focus and in doing so, dragged the game down.

    .... on that note, while I either love or tolerate the Zelda games before it, I could not stand Majora's Mask. It is seriously amazing to me how people will put up with shitty mechanics just because the game is by Nintendo. "Hey, you lose everything and all your progress is undone every time you use the save system!" Imagine if literally any other franchise did something like that. Majora's Mask is basically unplayable for me. I remember attempting its contemporaries, the Oracle of Ages/Seasons games, but just got bored. After that I stopped caring about this overrated franchise.

    Not a huge fan of Pokemon either. I liked the anime back in the day but the video games... again, seriously, this was 1996 and here we had an RPG where your one monster only ever fought one other monster at a time, the only strategy was to grind... in a time AFTER Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI, how the hell was this so big? Oh, right, because everything Nintendo touches is gold. I swear the company could make a game about Pikachu's bowel movements and it would be a million-seller. and then they would never make a sequel despite intense fan demand.

    To be fair my beefs with Pokemon go beyond how they were a regression to the original Dragon Warrior in a time when RPGs were more advanced... the entire setup was pointless. The game is about being a master of cockfighting, right? So why can't I go wherever I want? The game never really has anything resembling a real story, just random people you have to talk to for the next thing to happen, and which often forces you to learn moves you don't want or catch monsters you may not want (often in sub-optimal ways... I was always grating at that one Farfetch'd which comes with a pre-assigned name when I always kept their species name for most Pokemon, which you can only get by trading with a specific NPC). Also, pokeballs have a random chance of not working, but unless you have a Meowth who knows that coin-throwing technique, there's a finite amount of money because every trainer (the only source of cash) can only be fought once.

    Again, imagine if Final Fantasy did something like that--like having swords with a random chance of breaking, but you only got gil from boss battles. There would be rioting in the streets. But because Ninendo does it, its okay somehow.

    Okay, I'm getting carried away. I will stop now.

    EDIT - One more: There's two games I actually talked about during my brief attempt to be a youtuber. One of them was X-Com UFO Defense, which is actually one of the few videos I actually kinda like (my own vids usually make me cringe since I'm limited by being only able to afford cheap hardware). The other game I talked about (in a bad vlog I won't link to) was System Shock 2, which has to be one of the most overrated games ever. And keep in mind, I liked System Shock 1. It's sequel though? It's just... so poorly designed as to be barely playable. It was a game that no matter how I approached it made me feel like I was fucking up, and that is not an enjoyable feeling. I remember a fanboy once telling me "pretend its a survival horror game." I suppose this same guy would've told me to pretend Metroid Prime was a drunk molasses simulator. If I have to use self-delusion to make a game click, then it is bad.

    Edit 2 - I'm also not a huge fan of Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time. Not even sure what Yahtzee is thinking considering this slogfest to be one of his top five games of all time. It's a game with only an hour of real concept, padded to over 20 hours on a first playthru. 20 hours of doing pretty much the same god-damn jumping puzzle over and over while fighting the most annoying battles in PS2 history. Worse for me since I played it after playing the excellent Devil May Cry, so it really highlighted how dull Sands was in comparison.. The whole game really had a "budget title" feel as well, despite being a big-name release... for example the way there's no ending credits, you just see a cutscene and are then dropped back to the main menu. That's the way I would expect some cheapo PC game to end, not a big PS2 masterpiece.

    One more for the fire (because my house is freezing right now)... as a teenager, I used to be a big fan of the original Half-Life. As an adult?... I actually find it kinda boring now. And I mean, I can still go back to games like Doom and Quake, but somehow, somehow, Half-Life kinda bores me. I actually mentioned my feelings in a text on my blog recently. To wit, it feels like the only thing Half-Life had going for it was just the novelty of being a first-person shooter that was narrative-driven, but it was a case where right off the bat, everyone was imitating it (and then later I found out that better games like the original System Shock were doing much the same thing years earlier) and without that novelty, you were left with a plodding slow FPS where you face the same generic soldiers for a million hours and the story is basically a retelling of Doom, just with Xen in place of Hell and Black Mesa in place of Mars.

    I never got to play Half-Life 2 or its Episodes, but considering those were basically abandoned without being finished, I'm kinda glad (plus as I might've mentioned, it was a case where the sequels made the original worse)
    Last edited by Edmond Dantes; 01-22-2019 at 07:57 AM.

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    I feel you on Pokemon. I've really enjoyed some of the spin-offs, like Snap and Pinball, and I even toy around with Go fairly often (but I regard that more as a pedometer with a fun skin than actually playing a game), but the mainline RPGs are just boring to me. One version of Pokemon or another was so many people's first RPG, but for those of us who were already established RPG fans and had classics like Chrono Trigger to compare it to, it didn't seem nearly as special.

    I can't get into Metroid Prime either, but for me, I just don't like first-person shooters in general. They all make me motion-sick. For me, the Metroid series effectively died alongside Gunpei Yokoi. The Prime games are basically unplayable for me, and the likes of Fusion and Other M and such don't hold a candle to the older games.

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    Actually, I recently played Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission--both post-Yokoi and both are actually pretty good.

    There is one problem with Fusion though... it suffers from the same "ruined by a later game" issue that I mentioned in my blog regarding Half-Life 2. I would explain but its technically a spoiler... you probably already know anyway tho, and I can PM it if you don't.

    There is one Pokemon game I honestly thought looked cool--Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. But I was so afraid it would turn out to be more hype than substance that I wound up never playing it.

    ... Another game: While I loved the MGS series up to this point, Peace Walker was so bad it made me swear off all future Metal Gear games, and I'm honestly surprised its considered a classic. While I'm at it I honestly almost gave up at the much-beloved Snake Eater as well. I much preferred the gameplay mechanics of the first two MGS games (And I actually preferred the less-loved MGS: Portable Ops on PSP because it effectively fixed all the problems I had with Snake Eater), but for some reason most of the fanbase will tell you Snake Eater and Peace Walker are the classics... the games that make you put up with so much arbitrary busywork bullshit. I do not understand gamers these days.

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    Metroid Zero Mission was a little too easy for my liking. I couldnt get into Metroid Prime at all. It lacked a lot of the charm from the earlier games

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