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Thread: Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia

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    Apple (Level 5) Wraith Storm's Avatar
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    Default Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia

    I have so many questions. I mean, who saw this coming!?!?

    It's been what? 20 years since the original? When I saw this I was excited about the possibility of a sequel (on the Switch no less), but was not getting my hopes up. Especially seeing how the last two Langrisser remakes turned out/are turning out, IMO.

    Then I read about the people involved and almost had a heart attack! Kenji Terada that helped with the first few Final Fantasy games and most importantly DARK WIZARD! Art and character designes by Raita Kazama who worked on Xenoblade Chronicles, and Tenpei Sato The original composer for Brigandine!!!

    Honestly they had me at Kenji Terada seeing as how Dark Wizard is one of my favorite games ever. This appears to be a serious effort and not some shovel ware release playing off our nostalgia for a quick buck.

    I hand't seen much on this yet so hopefully it will put a smile on Kupo's and Natty's face as much as it did mine!

    Edit: Link to the trailer!
    Last edited by Wraith Storm; 09-09-2019 at 11:13 AM.
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    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    When it was leaked I was a bit skeptic but after the trailer I do think the developers are trying to put effort into bringing what's different but also as close to the original two games experience as possible. Hopefully the game is good, but I'm not really hyping the game, pretty much like any new game, but mostly because because it has been 20 years and most of the developers haven't had anything to do with the original. The composer made the Grand Edition soundtrack which honestly isn't that good. So we'll just have to see how it turns out, but the fact that it's a series I never thought would ever seen another release, I'm pretty happy.

    Although, I thought of one reason that they may have brought it back was probably Fire Emblem The Three Houses. Now, Brigandine is far better than Fire Emblem has ever been despite the similarities and what was borrowed from Fire Emblem, but Fire Emblem The Three Houses has you choosing one of three countries to command, and I think that's the reason why they thought about bringing a Brigandine back. Because people who bought into Fire Emblem may buy into Brigandine because of the similar gameplay and the choice of multiple countries. If it's as good or better than the original then hopefully Brigandine gets the praise it deserves. It also makes sense as to why it's currently Switch exclusive and why it hasn't yet been announced for the PS4 despite the series never being on a Nintendo console before.

    Also, while I do hope it gets a PS4 announcement before release, I will purchase it for Switch if it's a true exclusive. There's next to nothing on the system that I'm interested in that's exclusive so this may be one of the 10 games I ever buy on the console if that's the case.
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    Apple (Level 5) Wraith Storm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    I'm not really hyping the game, pretty much like any new game, but mostly because it has been 20 years and most of the developers haven't had anything to do with the original.
    I totally understand, and in most cases I would agree, but as soon as I saw Kenji Terada's involvement I let a sigh of relief. Dark wizard and Brigandine share so many similarities, yet at the same time each are distinctly different. I really feel that if anyone understands the genre and what makes it great, it's Mr. Terada. Then again I'm not aware of anything of note that he has done since the 90's. There was that late PS1 RPG Dying Eyes, which I thought sounded really cool, but I heard it was terrible so I dont know... ! We have greatness with Dark Wizard and bottom of the barrel with Dying Eyes.

    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    The composer made the Grand Edition soundtrack which honestly isn't that good.
    That's somewhat disappointing to hear. I REALLY like the Brigandine soundtrack. I didn't realize Grand Edition had a different score. I thought Grand Edition was a refined version, like a directors cut of the original, I had no idea they gave it a whole new score. Hopefully he will do the new game justice.
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    That's actually disappointing to hear Sato didn't compose the US-released Brigandine. That would've given me extra incentive to get to it. Sato's a great composer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    That's actually disappointing to hear Sato didn't compose the US-released Brigandine. That would've given me extra incentive to get to it. Sato's a great composer.
    I was actually unfamiliar with Tenpei Sato by name. After looking at Wikipedia I see he has scored some absolute classics. Valis II, Emerald Dragon and Task Force Harrier EX are all fantastic sound tracks.

    Unfortunately it looks like for the past 15 years or so he has mostly done soundtracks for Nippon Ichi games which I haven't really played.

    He has certainly been involed in some memorable soundtracks so heres hoping he'll knock out another!
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    Just a comparison. Here's New Almekia's theme on both games. I just don't care for Grand Edition's music much at all. First off, the original Brigandine's music is simplistic composition for every single one of the battle themes and I felt this was great because you're hearing the music constantly. Grand Edition does start simplistic but quickly goes into an epic climax before it loops on nearly every track. Some people could say that the Grand Edition music is better because it has a more diverse sound to it, but a lot of it, usually the second half just sounds like a lot of noise rather than really well thought out and good music. Considering that you're going to listen to the same very few tracks in the game constantly, what ones would you rather listen to, and that's my take away and why I've never cared from Grand Editions music. Probably not, but might even be the reason why I haven't finished it nearly as many times as I've finished the original. If there's one complaint I bring up though and will constantly bring it up, is I don't like the music to Grand Edition.

    Here's New Almekia's map and battle themes for both games.

    Here's Caerleon's music as well. Again, like I said, some people might like how it has more to it and less simplicity, but it sounds like a lot sound most of the time rather than music. And these two tracks you essentially have to listen to the entire game and almost just these.

    In the original Brigandine Leonia and Iscalio(battle only) are somewhat short and repetitive before they loop(Leonia essentially repeats twice before it actually loops, but there's one difference so you may as well call it a short loop, but still, more simple and enjoyable to hear. Then again, I almost always play New Almekia and Norgard so I almost never hear those except in battle anyways.


    Also want to point out how incredibly unbiased I am. I'll point out issues on even my favorite games.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 09-13-2019 at 02:27 AM.
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    Thought of something about what I said and want to explain myself. Simplicity doesn't mean it's better, but in this case, it's simplistic and good instead of more complex and mediocre.

    Divinity Original Sin 2 has an absolutely incredible soundtrack and no where does it fall to "simplistic and repetitive."

    Or Ys8 for that matter, or well, let's just go for the most common RPG series, Final Fantasy which has a lot of complexity in the compositions and every single soundtrack is among the highest rated in gaming music.

    So yeah, the original Brigandine soundtrack isn't anything amazing, but the Grand Edition one is pretty meh. That was essentially my point. I'd rather here something simplistic repetitive and good regardless of what complexity it has if I don't find it appealing and that has always been my biggest complaint for Grand Edition is its music, because I certainly love the gameplay and the changes in the gameplay that it's tied for my favorite game of all time.


    However, I'll stay off the topic of the music since that doesn't quite matter, this guy has apparently some prominent stuff in recent gaming, so 20 years later I'm sure he's had time to get better.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 09-13-2019 at 04:20 AM.
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    There's a video from TGS showing actual gameplay and this looks pretty cool atleast from what they're showing off.

    Starting off they first show choosing a main character which shows the region that you're in control of and then they go through the map and choose one of the cities which shows the knights and the monsters in their control. Now if you look at the main screen, it looks as if the color wheel has been scrapped and it goes back to the original style, however it's actually different. There is a sword with five different possible slots and a shield with five different possible slots. Most of the characters they're scrolling through has the same amount of colors under the sword which I'm assuming is what element that they attack with and then the same elements with the shield which would be defense from. However, one character shows under the attack slot three white and under the defense slot four white.

    They've also shown the monster class change and showing off the dragon they showed the second tier and that there's a possible third tier, but it actually shows more transformations than just one. Will it just be the fire dragon and white dragon as the second tier or are there even more possibilities? You only see two second tier classes and two third tier classes but you only see half of the third tier so how much can it actually scroll down?

    It looks like there's a lot of changes to monsters though so maybe there is more variety, because in combat it shows a lizard man being blue and white and on such a low level the lizard man has over 600hp. There's also a knight that has five dark attack and three dark defense. There's most of the monsters classes that you can tell what they are, centaurs have no attack color and no defense color probabky because they're such an important class in all builds. AOE spells work the same way, the unicorn can still knock the enemy back but the attack animation was a horn strike, so not sure if it matters at all or if there was a critical attack dealt.

    So basically just watching it and it does look like they're atleast doing Brigandine justice. If anything I can say that it's likely most of my worries have been washed away. I will say graphically though it does look less appealing than the both the others, but Brigandine was always about the gameplay anyways,

    We already saw the game has English text in a past trailer so we know the game has an English release sometime.
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    That's great! I assumed it would pop up at Tokyo Game Show but I hadn't come across it yet. It looks like its coming together nicely though.

    I also see what your talking about with the music. The original is a bit simpler in its compositions but its also helped by the charm of that mid 90's synth. I love that sound so much. Dragon Force on the Saturn sounded similar, IMO.

    Sato's music took more of a realistic approach in his sound and amped everything up to a grandiose level.

    I think Satos compositions are good, but to me, nothing beats that 90s synth sound. Something the Y's series recognizes all too well. Even with its excellent guitar rocking compositions they still push the synth to the forefront.
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    Brigandine The Legend of Runersia is getting a physical release. Unfortunately it's going to be limited, or at the very least preorder only. It's getting a release by Limited Run Games though. No info on when but this game is going to be more expensive than the PS1 original.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 02-27-2020 at 12:50 AM.
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    Apple (Level 5) Wraith Storm's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update!

    I was actually thinking of this a few days ago and how I hadn't heard anything in a while. I was afraid maybe the US release had been cancelled.

    I like that its getting a physical release. With it being Limited Run hopefully that means a nice fat instruction book. Though I don't see anything on their website yet.
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    One thing I'm going to say is that I don't much care for Brigandine Grand Edition's music, there's a lot of noise but it's not really that please. It's for all intents and purposes, background music. The artist for the new Brigandine is the same, and while I think the music is slightly better, I honestly feel the same. The music isn't very good. It's for all intents and purposes, background music and it's just not very good. It's just.... there.

    After sitting for awhile listening to the soundtrack while doing other stuff trying to determine if I should get the collector's edition(which I may anyways,) the biggest selling point would be the fact that it's the collector's edition and this disappointing soundtrack.
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